booklist in February

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Mar 21, 2009
Member Type
Native Language
Home Country
South Korea
Current Location
South Korea

I'm wondering if 'the booklist in February' means the textbooks school hands out to students when the new semester begins.
Does it mean "He" had never look these textbooks before?
Please help!!!

<He had found a whole chapter on parsing in his English text book, and then a whole chapter on fractions and decimals in this maths text book.
He had never looked in these books before. They were both still brand new from his booklist in February.>
Would you please explain it more easily? I can't follow what you mean.
Would you please explain it more easily? I can't follow what you mean.
Anglika means "Yes" - or something close to that.

However, the textbooks are probably not handed out (unless you live in a socialist country). The February book list is a list released in February of books that you have to buy.
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