[Grammar] Before coming here to study, I worked as an engineer for three years. (Correct?)

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Aug 16, 2013
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Before coming here to study, I worked as an engineer for three years. (Correct?)
Before coming here to study, I had worked as an engineer for three years. (Correct?)
Before coming here to study, I had been working as an engineer for three years. (Correct?)

(By the way, I'm not an engineer now.)
"Not a teacher"

first and third one seem correct to me.
All three are possible.
Before coming here to study, I worked as an engineer for three years. (Correct?)
Before coming here to study, I had worked as an engineer for three years. (Correct?)
Before coming here to study, I had been working as an engineer for three years. (Correct?)

(By the way, I'm not an engineer now.)

I agree with 5jj. All three are correct.
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