Baroque architecture, a deep synthesis of grandiose vision and exquisite artistry.


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Sep 30, 2019
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Does it make sense to say a style of architecture is a 'synthesis of grandiose vision and exquisite artistry'? Is this okay?

With its alluring fusion of stone lacework, soaring spires, and intricate tracery, baroque architecture embodies a profound synthesis of grandiose vision and exquisite artistry.
Who wrote that text? Where did you find it?
I think it's good, yes.

This is your own sentence, isn't it?
@alpacinou You could say that a building is a work of art. You can also say that a person is an artist with words.
I wrote it myself.
I wrote it myself.
I knew that. And I'm truly impressed. You must like it quite a bit to say that. Either that or you are practicing your English skills. Maybe both. 😊
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