[Vocabulary] automotive industry

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Aug 5, 2008
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Dear Teachers,
I'm looking for a general term referring to a company which produces parts for car manufacturers. Can I call it an automotive industry company? Would it sound good in the title of a university project?
Thank you in advance.
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Yes, "automotive industry" describes the main OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and their suppliers.
Being just a novice, my doubt about the term " automotive Industry" is that it may imply companies like Ford, Toyota, Nissan, Jaguar etc. (who are assemblers of motor vehicles).

But the author may be looking for a term to describe small companies that supply components to the above mentioned assembly plants, with their products like carburettors, brake cylinders, starter motors, alternators, brake pads etc.

Very interesting question!
Thanks for the Teachers' replies.
Being just a novice, my doubt about the term " automotive Industry" is that it may imply companies like Ford, Toyota, Nissan, Jaguar etc. (who are assemblers of motor vehicles).

But the author may be looking for a term to describe small companies that supply components to the above mentioned assembly plants, with their products like carburettors, brake cylinders, starter motors, alternators, brake pads etc.

Very interesting question!
Thanks for the Teachers' replies.
IMO "the automotive industry" covers both car production and component manufacture.
If you want to exclude the OEM's (Ford, Nissan, etc.) then refer to the automotive suppliers, or supply chain.
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