asking for a feedback

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yasmin sayed

Jul 6, 2014
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English Teacher
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I have been teaching English for 6 years and I have applied for celta .Though I have worked hard for the pre-interview task and I got it reviewed by an expert , I was not accepted.they couldn't give me feedback, so I am asking if any one could help by reading my task and pointing my weakness.please if you could just send me a private message and I am going to send my task.
I have been teaching English for 6 years and I have applied for a CELTA. [STRIKE]celta .[/STRIKE] Although I [STRIKE]have[/STRIKE] worked hard [STRIKE]for[/STRIKE] on the pre-interview task and I got it reviewed by an expert, I was not accepted. They couldn't give me feedback, so I am asking if [STRIKE]any one[/STRIKE] anyone/someone could help by reading my task and pointing out my weaknesses. Please [STRIKE]if you could just[/STRIKE] send me a private message and I [STRIKE]am going to[/STRIKE] will send my task.

Welcome to the forum. :hi:

Please look at the corrections I made to your post above. Some of them might give you a clue as to why you weren't accepted for a CELTA. You failed to start most of the sentences with a capital letter, you put a space before several commas and full stops, and you failed to leave a space after a full stop several times. The basic errors you made are a little worrying for someone who has already been teaching English for 6 years.

As a new member, you cannot use the Private Message facility yet. Even if you could, that is not the intended use of the PM facility. If you want someone to look at your work, please post it in the "Editing and Writing Topics" section of the forum and we will see what we can do.
I wrote the previous message on a moblie phone. So it was in a hurry and it was difficult to go through it again. Your help is appreciated and I will post as advised.
:-D I posted my task on the forum and I am waiting for your response :roll:
I cannot open the link.
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