[Grammar] As per the GM instruction

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Jun 15, 2015
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Dear All
As per the GM instruction any correspondence via mail kindly keep him also in loop
Do you mean General Motors or your General Manager?

If the latter, use "the GM's instruction."
Dear All
As per the GM's instruction, [STRIKE]any[/STRIKE] (all) correspondence should be via (e)mail. Please/Kindly also keep him [STRIKE]also[/STRIKE] in the loop.

I'm assuming that GM here stands for General Manager because of "him."
I don't think OP means "all correspondence should be via e-mail". I think he means "a copy of all e-mail correspondence should be extended to him".
I would say "sent" to him.
How about 'please copy him in on all e-mail correspondence'?

Not a teacher.
Please c.c. all emails to him.
I think the dots after 'c's can be omitted, but I am not a teacher.
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