... as part of a spending package, that banned TikTok on all devices issued by the federal government.

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Aug 21, 2017
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In January, a Republican senator, Josh Hawley of Missouri, introduced a bill to ban TikTok for all Americans after pushing for a measure, which passed in December as part of a spending package, that banned TikTok on all devices issued by the federal government.

source: The New York Times

Is that defining or non-defining?
Can that replaced by which ? Why does the author not use which ?
Can I use a conjunction to connect two adjective clauses ?
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In January, a Republican senator (Josh Hawley of Missouri) introduced a bill to ban TikTok for all Americans after pushing for a measure (which passed in December as part of a spending package) that banned TikTok on all devices issued by the federal government.
Replacing some of the commas with brackets helps sort this out, I think.
Is that defining or non-defining? Defining
Can that replaced by which? It can.
Why does the author not use which? Many people prefer that in defining clauses.
Can I use a conjunction to connect two adjective clauses? You can in some cases. Give an example of when you'd like to to this.
Do not leave a space before question marks.
Replacing some of the commas with brackets helps sort this out, I think.

Do not leave a space before question marks.
As Microsoft figures out a chatbot business model, it is forging ahead with plans to sell the technology to others. It charges $10 a month for a cloud service, built in conjunction with the OpenAI lab, that provides developers with coding suggestions, among other things.

source: The New York Times

Is this that defining or non-defining here?
Does that refer to a cloud service or the OpenAI ?
As Microsoft figures out a chatbot business model, it is forging ahead with plans to sell the technology to others. It charges $10 a month for a cloud service (built in conjunction with the OpenAI lab) that provides developers with coding suggestions, among other things.

Is this that defining or non-defining here?
Does that refer to a cloud service or the OpenAI ?
What do you think now that I have changed a couple of commas to brackets?
@wrongnumber Please note that I have changed your thread title. Single-word titles (such as your original "that") are useless. Titles must be unique, relevant to the thread, and contain a good part of the sentence involved.
What do you think now that I have changed a couple of commas to brackets?
Is this that defining or non-defining here? defining
Does that refer to a cloud service or the OpenAI? a cloud service

But what if we wanted to modify OpenAI lab with an adjective clause, how would we do?
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