"as being in the poorest state in the Union"

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Feb 10, 2022
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South Korea
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South Korea
The Fortune wrote that Dell was thriving in an industry that may technically as being in the poorest state in the Union.

-> what does " as beong in the poorest state in the Union " mean?
Could you post a link to the site where you found that sentence?
Could you post a link to the site where you found that sentence?
Sure, I am readding Michael Dell's autobiography and the fo;;owing is the full paragraph. He is a great entreprenuer !!!

In February Fortune named us the most admired company in America. Dell, they wrote, was “thriving in an industry that may technically qualify as being in the poorest state in the Union. Its profits in this margin-squeezed business soared 15 percent in 2004, a feat that Dell makes look boringly routine. And now it’s the first PC maker to hold the rank of America’s Most Admired since the original ‘PC’ maker, IBM, logged off in 1986.”
Sure. I am reading Michael Dell's autobiography and the following is the full paragraph. He is a great entrepreneur! !!!

In February, Fortune ...

What's 'Fortune'?

That's not a link where we can read the text for ourselves.

Please note that I've changed your thread title. Titles should include some or all of the words or phrases you're asking about.
This is the full paragraph.

In February Fortune named us the most admired company in America. Dell, they wrote, was “thriving in an industry that may technically qualify as being in the poorest state in the Union. Its profits in this margin-squeezed business soared 15 percent in 2004, a feat that Dell makes look boringly routine. And now it’s the first PC maker to hold the rank of America’s Most Admired since the original ‘PC’ maker, IBM, logged off in 1986.”
Could you post a link to the site where you found that sentence?
You quoted that text in post #3.

We still don't know what 'Fortune' is.
Fortune magazine - a business publication, and source of the Fortune 500 list.

I think the original question was answered here, in a similar post from the OP.
"Fortune" is a business magazine in the US. Most famous for its annual listing of the largest companies in the US (by revenue), the "Fortune 500."
I finally figured it out (with some help). That sentence doesn't literally refer to the poorest state in the Union. It means the PC industry is in a bad way. (It's another indication of how valuable context is.)

Apparently, the OP posted the same question twice on the same forum.
Yes, it's very poorly written to say "state in the Union" and not mean an actual political state.
Yes, it's very poorly written to say "state in the Union" and not mean an actual political state.
Right, very difficult and confusing to non-native speakers!
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