[Grammar] as are

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Nov 5, 2006
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[FONT=&quot]Is it correct to use "as are" when adding a plural item to a list of things? Thus, is it correct/more natural to say:

The city centre is also being revitalised, as are the main communication routes.


[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The city centre is also being revitalised as well as the main communication routes.[/FONT]
or perhaps

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The city centre is also being revitalised and so are the main communication routes.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Is it correct to use "as are" when adding a plural item to a list of things? Thus, is it correct/more natural to say:

The city centre is also being revitalised, as are the main communication routes.


[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The city centre is also being revitalised as well as the main communication routes.[/FONT]

or perhaps

[FONT=&quot]The city centre is also being revitalised and so are the main communication routes.[/FONT]
Yes, you can use "as are" like this. The first sentence is preferable.
What is the function of "also"? Is this sentence following another one which mentions the first thing that's being revitalised?
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Yes, this sentence comes from a short text describing works that are being carried out in that city. Would it be better to put "also" in the beginning of the sentence?
Yes, this sentence comes from a short text describing works that are being carried out in that city. Would it be better to put "also" in the beginning of the sentence?

Not a teacher.

Since you already have an "also", having an "as well" in the same sentence seems redundant. You could say "Also being revitalized are the city center and the main communication routes."
Thanks for your help guys! :up:
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