Aren't there more reasons for you to drink green tea? Yes, there are.

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Apr 6, 2022
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Aren't there more reasons for you to drink green tea? Yes, there are.
Is it right to use "yes, there are" as a short answer in this statement below? I mean that yes, there are more reasons to drink green tea.
Aren't there more reasons for you to drink green tea? Yes, there are.

Is it right to use "Yes, there are" as a short answer in this statement text below above? I mean that yes, there are more reasons to drink green tea.
Yes. An even shorter acceptable answer is "Yes". It's a slightly oddly worded question, though. I would expect it to start "Are there".
Where did you encounter that sentence, sadra? If you wrote it yourself, in what context?
Where did you encounter that sentence, sadra? If you wrote it yourself, in what context?
Traditional medicine
I wrote it myself.
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