[Vocabulary] Are "Perform", "Carry out", "Fulfill" and "Implement" synonyms?

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Sep 27, 2014
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Are "Perform", "Carry out", "Fulfill" and "Implement" synonyms?

In Chinese, the above Title words or phrase mean the same. If in a sentence, could anyone of them be replaced by another one without meaning changing of the sentence?
Could you please give me some sentences involving the above words or phrase as examples? Thank you so much.
Re: Are "Perform", "Carry out", "Fulfill" and "Implement" synonyms?

Welcome to the forum, xxwzs.

Very few words in English are exact synonyms of each other, so the answer to your question is a definite 'no'.

Click here. When you have read examples of 'perform' used in context, change the headword to each of the others in turn.
Re: Are "Perform", "Carry out", "Fulfill" and "Implement" synonyms?

For some cyber reasons, I can't reach the website gave by you in your post. But still I'd like to give my deepest thanks to you for your explanation.
Re: Are "Perform", "Carry out", "Fulfill" and "Implement" synonyms?

Try this one.
Re: Are "Perform", "Carry out", "Fulfill" and "Implement" synonyms?

You could fulfill a dream or ambition, but the other verbs wouldn't work in most contexts.
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Re: Are "Perform", "Carry out", "Fulfill" and "Implement" synonyms?

You could fulfill a dream or ambition, but the other verbs wouldn't work in most contexts.
I can understand "fulfill a dream or ambition" in your post, but I couldn't fathom the "in most contexts".
1. Does the "fulfill" in your sentence mean as same as "realize" or "make ... come true"does?
2. What does "in most contexts" indicate?
Re: Are "Perform", "Carry out", "Fulfill" and "Implement" synonyms?

It's often possible to generate a sentence which can use an unusual form, but 99% of the time it wouldn't work, so I am not saying it is utterly impossible to use them, but we almost always would not.
Re: Are "Perform", "Carry out", "Fulfill" and "Implement" synonyms?

As indicated by others, similar words can have different shades of meaning. The group of words you've compiled can have a similar meaning when applied to performing a "duty".

perform your duty
carry out your duty
fulfill your duty
implement this list of duties

A thesaurus might be useful in your instance. The entry for "fulfill" has all the synonyms you've listed.

Re: Are "Perform", "Carry out", "Fulfill" and "Implement" synonyms?

As indicated by others, similar words can have different shades of meaning. The group of words you've compiled can have a similar meaning when applied to performing a "duty".

perform your duty
carry out your duty
fulfill your duty
implement this list of duties

A thesaurus might be useful in your instance. The entry for "fulfill" has all the synonyms you've listed.

Your post helps greatly, which enlightens me.
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