Applying for a master in Germany

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Apr 19, 2019
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Hello everybody, My name is ilhan Arslantas and i'm a pre-school teacher in turkey. These days I'm preparing to apply for a master programme in germany and i need some help from you guys. I've created my letter of motivation but i'm not that much experienced in this subject. I need your eyes and views to evaluate my most important document on the way to studying master program in germany. Thank you for your time.


Dear sir or madam,
My name is Ilhan. I have a Bachelor in Preschool Teacher Education / Primary Education and am currently studying the last semester of an associate degree in Social Services. I’m writing to apply for the Master’s program in.............. at ....... university for the 2019 winter term.

Having born as a government official's son, moving between different cities has sparked the love for travelling , learning and experiencing new things for me. During my voyages around the cities of turkey, I started drawing as a young primary school student. Art and sports were the main interests of mine at that age. At the age of 10, came my first success in art as a second place winner in a wide-city based drawing competition. At the same times i was playing in the kids team of 12 Dev Adam ( Turkish National basketball Team ) for over a year. However as an unlucky event i broke my right arm in a training session and was unable to continue further on the team. Although i couldn’t play basketball for over a year, after the resting period ended i started doing judo and wrestling. As a greco-roman wrestler i carried on to regional competitions and earned the right to enter national league. Around the same time i deserved to get scholarship after completing the exam of DPY ( The state scholarship Exam) and have gotten the scholarship for approximately 7 years.

Importance of having an active childhood was well understood by my parents because of the fact that earlier in his career my father was also a teacher. As a result of that thought process i was drawing, playing sports and have been a boy scout for over 5 years when i joined high school. I joined the Tevfik Sırrı Gür Anatolian high school which was a well established 75 year old high school with english focused education. During my education, i started a chess team in my school and joined competitions between schools. In the last year of high school, i started a part time hobby which was unique among peers and began collecting old coins. Nowadays that hobby turned into a collection of around 100 coins that are spanning from the ottoman empire times to today's current coins.

Having completed my high school education and after passing the university entrance exam, taking part in 2% in all Turkish university candidate students, I enrolled Dokuz Eylül University where i received intensive preschool and primary school teacher education. During my time in college, i continued on my hobbies and started drawing as a comic book artist for local and small magazines. During this time i started learning animation and digital drawing to improve myself. In my 3rd year I started helping my Professor in her project which was about teaching children in pre-schools and primary schools who are living in disadvantaged territories, according to the standards and requirements of the age and she needed my help to draw the art pieces and flyers. After a 12 months period we completed all the drawings and published the project in the name of “Minik adımlarla kültürel mirasımıza yolculuk…” (Travelling to our Cultural heritage with tiny steps…). Besides theoretical education, I also gained practice and experience by joining as an intern in Buca Avukat İlhan Ege Pre-school and Worked as an assistant teacher in kindergarten. After my internship ended, I started working as a teacher in kindergarten section of the Buca 23 Nisan primary school.

After the graduation I immediately started to work in various private schools. Having a good understanding and love for children led me to love my job as a teacher and pushed me to work harder and move forward everyday. In the other hand my drawing hobby got bigger at the same time and in 2015, i started my own design company in the name of Lionstone Design. While working as a full-time teacher, my design company started to gather some interests both in my country and abroad. That attention later got me my first big project as the graphic designer of a big international private hospital franchise ( Maspek Company ). After the completion of the project, i got noticed by big brands like fit foods. Co. and nation wide franchises and started working with them as senior graphic designer. Because of determination and desire to always improve myself, i started learning new software developments in animation. These improvements led me to complete many projects in both germany and other european countries.

While working with international projects and teaching, i started my second college in Anatolian University on the subject of Social Services to push myself forward both academically and as a person in 2017 which i am currently studying in my last semester before graduation. At the same time i’ve joined many extended courses like 80 hours of Special Education Applications Course For Teachers, Applied Entrepreneurship Training course and Workplace Health & Safety Courses.

Along with my whole education life, I tried to improve myself and starting a master program in germany is a new milestone for me. Reason for my decision to pursue Master study in the Germany is derived by germany's outstanding educational system, and excellent learning opportunities. My desire to be a member of …………………………. program at your institution. ……………….. Renders unprecedented achievements possible in the near future for me. In addition, having superior standards of education and research activities with the opportunity to challenge myself has motivated me on taking …….. program in ………………………..

it would be a matter of great pride for me to pursue my master studies at ………………… institution to gain many academic achievements and contribute my part in the research area. Since the content of course offers what I want from a master programme,, strong faculties and solid background, I will be glad to attend to the Master Program.

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Hello Ilhan, and welcome to the forum. :)
What's the application deadline?
its 15th of may but i'm trying to complete it by the end of the april in case of any mishaps :)
Hello everybody. My name is Ilhan Arslantas and I'm a pre-school teacher in Turkey. [STRIKE]These days[/STRIKE] I'm preparing to apply for a Masters programme in Germany and I need some help from you. [STRIKE]guys.[/STRIKE] I've created my letter of motivation but I'm not [STRIKE]that much[/STRIKE] very experienced in this [STRIKE]subject[/STRIKE] area. I need your eyes and views to evaluate my most important document on the way to studying a Masters program in Germany. Thank you for your time.

It's the 15th of May but I'm trying to complete it by the end of [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] April in case of any [STRIKE]mishaps[/STRIKE] mistakes. [STRIKE]:)[/STRIKE]

Note my corrections above. It's important to follow these rules of written English at all times:

- Start every sentence with a capital letter.
- End every sentence with one appropriate punctuation mark.
- Always capitalise the word "I" (first person singular).
- Always capitalise proper nouns.

Please don't try to make your own emoticons/smileys. If you really need one, click on the :) icon and choose one.
Now that I'm digging deeper into this area, I'm starting to think that maybe threat subject should be Evolution Of the Statement of Purpose :)
It might be a good chance to show people how progress changes things in the LOM ( Letter of Motivation )
Now that I'm digging deeper into this area, I'm starting to think that maybe the subject should be Evolution Of the Statement of Purpose :)
It might be a good chance to show people how progress changes things in the LOM ( Letter of Motivation )

I googled "statement of purpose". In the three or four instances I saw it it wasn't capitalized. I also googled "letter of motivation" (which some prefer to call Motivation Letter.)

hello everybody ! In these last days of preparation, you'll see how things changed :-D But I need a last favor from you guys in the form of punctuation and spelling. There might still be an improvement in these subjects but overall finished product looks like this ( Pdf is attached to message since its too long for one message )View attachment FINAL FORM OF LETTER OF MOTIVATION.pdf
It's better to submit one paragraph at a time. It's easier to make corrections that way.
Dear Sir/Madam,

I wish to apply for the [Strike]would like to undertake[/Strike] Early Childhood Research Master’s Program [Strike]as I am very dedicated to pursuing a career in research and I have chosen to study[/Strike] at Leipzig University as it is one of the world's leading research institutes offering research excellence across fields like development of children [Strike]and development of children[/Strike] in different cultures.

[Strike]With regards to early childhood research not only[/Strike] I am interested in gaining further knowledge [Strike]on[/Strike] into early childhood development. [Strike]but also in the scientific research in which researchers and educators work together to maximize our understanding of development of children in optimal ways.[/Strike] My enthusiasm for early childhood research developed during my undergraduate degree in pre-school teacher education. During my first year I became fascinated with how participation in quality early childhood programs supporting the development of children [Strike]alter[/Strike] influences their future achievements. Consequently, I became very intrigued with [Strike]early childhood and child development,[/Strike] how to support the development in early ages and [Strike]what are[/Strike] with the different scientific approaches in this field. [Strike]Because effects of[/Strike] A quality early childhood education [Strike]shows itself on[/Strike] manifests its results in the achievements, social skills, [Strike]ization,[/Strike] grades and especially in [Strike]special[/Strike] further education later in the life. Thus, the importance and complexity of early childhood means that finding a single approach is [Strike]highly unlikely[/Strike] challenging, and there may be several ways of tackling the problems differently. This is an aspect which I am greatly interested in, and I am very keen to pursue a research career dedicated to [Strike]the goal of[/Strike] discovering and unravelling different aspects of education in order to improve the quality of education and the development of children.

In order to reach that goal, I believe that resilience, patience and dedication are required. [Strike]on
an individual level.[/Strike] The process of conducting research, dealing with complicated
experiments and at all times having the correct attitude and necessary skill to deal with certain
situations is essential to ensure success. I [Strike]have practiced[/Strike] became aware of this [Strike]attitude[/Strike] during my [Strike]relative[/Strike] study experience at Dokuz Eylül üniversity, studying preschool teacher education, and working as an intern and later a preschool teacher. However, the main contributing factor was in my 3rd year when I started working with my ...

I stopped because the part that follows is not very clear. Can you rewrite it in a simpler and more direct way? What were the children "introduced" to, and why?
I stopped because the part that follows is not very clear. Can you rewrite it in a simpler and more direct way? What were the children "introduced" to, and why?

I made changes to above mentioned part of the letter. Discard the Pdf this is the current state of the letter from that point on.

However, the main contributing factor was in my 3rd year when I started working with my Professor on the project of introducing children in preschools and primary schools that are living in disadvantaged territories to cultural and social activities. At the end of a 12 month period, we published the project under the name of “Journey to our Cultural Heritage with Tiny Steps”. As a result of this project, total of 1130 children from 70 kindergartens who had pre-school education in and around the city were introduced to museums. In addition to children of preschool age, children with disabilities were also not forgotten with numbers around 4000. During and after the project, I have organised coordination of other students and also gave the necessary presentations.

Not only did I get to experience a variety of studies such as use of analytic methods and practical implementations, interdisciplinary approaches on preschool education, Scientific Practice and developments in the field of preschool education but I also gained a better understanding of how to evaluate and approach when issues arise.

After graduation while working as a preschool teacher, to widen my knowledge in sociology and social working principles, I opted for my second college in Anadolu University on the subject of Social Services and am currently studying in my last semester before graduation.

Outside the aforementioned skills; my study, research and working experiences prepared me for the post graduate studies as they allowed me to get involved in research discussions through analyzing research and appreciation for the research of others by discussing work carried out by my peers and supervisors. Later in the time, I’ve joined and completed the Special Education applications course for teachers to expand my knowledge of inclusive education programs and special education for students with disabilities. Following that in 2019, to expand my knowledge on interdisciplinary approaches, I started the Psycho - Pedagogical Analysis of Child Drawings course to improve my understanding of psychology in children drawings and plausible explanation of these drawings with scientific tests. Overall I enjoyed both of my studies and the time I’ve been a preschool teacher very much. These experiences have been crucial in my decision to pursue a childhood research career.

As the potential student I would very much like to challenge myself and become involved in the worldwide early childhood research community. Also I believe that by having the opportunity to study at Leipzig University, I will be able to study and learn among both Teachers and researchers who have passion, dedication and strong beliefs regarding their area of work. The advancements of early childhood research and early child development have been greatly contributed by researchers from Leipzig Research Center and I would love the opportunity to work amongst the teams and individuals whose research has allowed such advancements

To conclude I understand that the study of Early Childhood Research requires a tremendous amount of dedication and hard work but I am confident that my interest in education and childhood development will allow me to really challenge myself and conjure motivation in high pressure situations. I believe that pursuing this course will be an excellent preparation for a research career and an excellent basis for further career development as a PhD student, postdoc and research fellow.


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However, the main [Strike]contributing[/Strike] factor was in my 3rd year when I started working with my professor on [Strike]the[/Strike] a project of introducing children in preschools and primary schools, [Strike]that are[/Strike] living in disadvantaged [Strike]territories[/Strike] areas, to cultural and social activities. At the end of that 12-month project, [Strike]period,[/Strike] we published [Strike]the project under the name of[/Strike] a report/paper titled “Journey to our Cultural Heritage with Tiny Steps”. As a result of [Strike]this[/Strike] that project, a total of 1,130 children from 70 kindergartens [Strike]who had pre-school education in and around the city[/Strike] were introduced to museums. In addition to children of preschool age, around 4,000 children with disabilities were also involved. [Strike]not forgotten with numbers around 4000. During and after the project, I have organised coordination of other students and also gave the necessary presentations.[/Strike]

Throughout my studies, not only did I get to [Strike]experience[/Strike] learn a variety of [Strike]studies such as use of[/Strike] analytic methods and practical implementations, interdisciplinary approaches on preschool education, scientific practice and developments in the field of preschool education, but I also gained a better understanding of how to evaluate and [Strike]approach when[/Strike] deal with issues when they arise.

After [Strike]graduation[/Strike] graduating while working as a preschool teacher, to widen my knowledge in sociology and social working principles, I [Strike]opted for[/Strike] started my [Strike]second college[/Strike] degree in Anadolu University [Strike]on the subject of[/Strike] in Social Services, and I am currently [Strike]studying[/Strike] in my last semester of that program. [Strike]before graduation.[/Strike]

[Strike]Outside the aforementioned skills; my study, research and working experiences prepared me for the post graduate studies as they allowed me to get involved in research discussions through analyzing research and appreciation for the research of others by discussing work carried out by my peers and supervisors. Later in the time, I’ve joined and [/Strike]

I have also completed [Strike]the[/Strike] a Special Education Applications course in [year] at [University Name] [Strike]for teachers[/Strike] to expand my knowledge of inclusive education programs and special education for students with disabilities. Following that in [Month] 2019, to expand my knowledge [Strike]on[/Strike] of interdisciplinary approaches, I started the Psycho - Pedagogical Analysis of Child Drawings course at [University Name] to improve my understanding of psychology in children drawings and plausible explanation of these drawings with scientific tests. Overall, [Strike]I enjoyed both of my studies and the time I’ve been a preschool teacher very much.[/Strike] these experiences have been crucial in my decision to pursue a childhood research career.

[Strike]As the potential student[/Strike] I would very much like to challenge myself and become involved in the worldwide early childhood research community. Also I believe that by having the opportunity to study at Leipzig University, I will be able to study and learn [Strike]among[/Strike] alongside both teachers and researchers who have a passion, dedication and strong beliefs regarding their area of work. The advancements of early childhood research and early child development have been greatly contributed to by researchers from Leipzig Research Center, and I would love the opportunity to work amongst the teams and individuals whose research has allowed such advancements.

To conclude, I understand that [Strike]the study of[/Strike] research into early childhood [Strike]Research[/Strike] requires a tremendous amount of dedication and hard work, but I am confident that my interest in education and childhood development will allow me to really challenge and motivate myself [Strike]and conjure motivation[/Strike] in high pressure situations. I believe that pursuing this course will be an excellent preparation for a research career and an excellent basis for further career development as a PhD student, postdoc and research fellow.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Arslan Tasjr

Two things.

Teechar made quite a few corrections. I hope you study that post carefully.

I read the work of professional writers quite often. Nobody ever says In conclusion.
Thank You all very much! Tonight, the deadline that i gave my self is ending. I'm really grateful for all your good advice and time. Hope to see you when I got the good news :up:
Thank you all very much! Tonight (no comma here) is the deadline that I gave myself. [STRIKE]is ending.[/STRIKE] I'm really grateful for all your good advice and time. I hope to see you when I [STRIKE]got[/STRIKE] get the good news. :up:

Note my corrections above.
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