Anyone using for speaking practice?

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Dec 7, 2018
Member Type
Student or Learner
Native Language
American English
Home Country
United States
Current Location
Is anyone here using the website [URL removed].

I'm looking to get recommendation of good teachers there.

Help with suggestions please. My speaking is not good.
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Is anyone here using the website [URL removed]?

I'm looking to get recommendations [STRIKE]of[/STRIKE] from good teachers [STRIKE]there[/STRIKE] here.

Help me [STRIKE]with[/STRIKE] by giving me your suggestions please. My [STRIKE]speaking[/STRIKE] spoken English is not good.

Your member profile indicates that you are a native American English speaker who grew up in the United States. Why do you have problems with spoken English?
I don't think you're in Europe, either, Laura.

Please don't make any more posts until you have edited your profile to show correct information about yourself.
It's a language exchange- there are many. The quality would depend on the quality of the teacher.
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