Any claim or any document went through our system.


Feb 4, 2014
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Is it correct to say that "Any claim or any document went through our system"? For example if I am talking to an insurance representative and asks her about a claim that they haven't received as yet. Can I say "This claim went through our system perfectly. How come you haven't received it yet"?
I would say:
The document has been entered into the system (someone did the entry).
The document has been captured by the system. It appeared in the system.

The document can't just go through the system by itself.
Is it correct to say that "Any claim or any document went through our system"?
No, that's not a grammatically correct sentence. I think you meant to ask:
Is it correct to say that a claim or document "went through our system"?
Note the position of the quotation marks.
For example, if I am talking to an insurance representative and asks ask her about a claim that they haven't the insurance company hasn't received as yet, can I say "This claim went through our system perfectly. How come you haven't received it yet?"?
Say "The claim has gone through our system. I don't understand why you haven't/the company hasn't received it yet."
You would go on to say either "I'll check to see if something's gone wrong at our end" or "Please check and confirm that it's definitely not arrived at your end".

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