Anger type (angry type)

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Feb 7, 2016
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Russian Federation
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Russian Federation
Could you please help me to determine what Analayo is saying in these quotes? What is "anger type"? I guess there can be "angry type of person" which can be referred to as "angry type", but using two nouns (anger + type) doesn't seem to be correct? He is German, and English is not his native language, though he has published a lot of books in English and so must be fairly well in it in order not to do such mistakes.

The idea as I see it if "angry type" is correct phrase, is that if you are angry type and you practice meditation in wrong way focusing to much, you will get even more angry that you were before you started to meditate. So "angry type" suits the sense.

"And I was very much focusing over it. And I found that the more I was meditating the more often I was getting angry. Because I have anger type. And I realised that this focus meditation is actually making this tunnel vision worse."

"Because how we develop samadhi affects our mind. And if Analayo (is) anger type, (be) careful, if he trains in focus, if he trains in tunnel, he is going to get angry, angry, and angry."

Thank you.
... because I have an anger type ...

... and if Analayo ('anger type'—careful) ...

You seem to understand the meaning well enough.
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