[Essay] An advice for our final essay assignment

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Abe abrahms

Mar 5, 2012
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Hello, we are a group of the CUAAL, which is a language learning center of the UJED college in Mexico. And we have as final assignment to write our essays and post them in a forum in order to receive advices of other persons in the internet. We appreciate your valuable help in advance.

Sincerely, Module 12 (Adri, Jenny, Karla, Maggi, Ale, David, Mike and Abe)
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Why English?

English nowadays is not only a language; actually it is a very important tool in our common lives no matter which is your native tongue. In this globalized world, English is beyond of be just a language because it help us in many aspects in order to achieve our goals; for example traveling abroad, making business or getting a better job. In addition, English is the mass media language, so it is a necessity to develop communication skills in this new era because there’s no doubt that English is becoming a universal language and now it is a necessity to us know English.

First of all, English is used in music, cinema, TV programs, books and it has the highest percentages of users on internet. Whoever that surface on the internet can realize that a lot of information is in English and for that reason it is pretty important study this idiom in order to understand and increase our knowledge.

To people who want to work abroad is better if they speak English as a second tongue, because they have the opportunity to get a good job in which they can develop their communication skills. Therefore, these persons can apply for a job as a tourist guide. To illustrate, guest will be grateful if people speak two languages, because in this way they can solve their doubts. For example, if a person speaks Spanish and English and he or she met people from Latin America that don’t speak English, then this person can explain them in Spanish.

When a person travels to another part of the world either for pleasure or business, the language may differ, in these conditions, English is the language that helps people to deal with the situation. In fact, international companies use English in order to communicate each other, and this is not rare because many people around the word understand or knew that English is spreading more and more every day. Also, this is an easiest language to learn in comparison with other languages because there is almost no variation in verb conjugation except in third singular person in present tense and uses Latin alphabet, the most universal, simple and short one.

To sum up, the English is perfect to become a universal language because has all the necessary features to do it and couldn’t have another alternative for universal language instead of English.

By: Adriana Castañeda Becerra
English Education in Mexico

In this new era, called by many people “the age of globalization”, the world is suffering changes in different aspects such as Politics, Economics, Technology, Business, Culture and Education. However, as a consequence of the globalization, the English education, especially in Mexico, leaves much to be desired and as a result of this progress, the English as a foreign language is the key to communicate and create new international relations.

But why do we say that English is the key of this new era? Because today this language is considered as a necessity and an important tool that can make a progress in our lives. Nowadays, there is much competition at work and as a requirement we have to know English. Nevertheless, English competence is a powerful tool to survive the age of the globalization and not everybody wants to advance and make this progress work. For example, here in Mexico, children since kindergarten are taught to speak and learn English by playing games, singing, watching cartoons, etc. Unfortunately, not all the schools have set this program and sometimes parents do not seem to be interest in their children education. However, in China, children since three years of age are obligated to study the language just because their parents rather to invest in their education than buying them toys, videogames, etc. This has to be a wake up call for us because in the future, not only speak English is going to be enough, maybe we will have to speak and learn another language.

According to statistics, if we know how to speak English, we will have a better chance to get a good job with a good salary. Why? Because as a I said, the English open you a lot of opportunities. This language is not difficult to learn, is just that we do not want to advance and make this progress work. We are used to get anything we want without effort, for that reason our country does not advance.

To sum up, if we want to advance, develop and improve our English skills, we have to be prepared because no so long the English language is going to be the main language of all over the world.

By: Jennifer Illian Vazquez Potisek
How to learn English?

The English is the most important language around the world in the present. As a result of the globalization to understand, write, and speak English is a real necessity because the important part that this language has taken with the past of the time. The English is the easier language that anyone can learn in different ways. If someone wants to learn this language in a polite way, it is necessary to take a course. In addition, in order to increase the speaking, listening, and grammar, it is necessary to read books, listen to music, and watch television.

Learning English is a basic tool that anyone has to know in order to have more opportunities in life. To take an English course is the most recommendable way to learn English for people whom live in countries where the English in not the language that their inhabitants speak. In the English course, not only the people are teaching how to speak English but also there are informed about the grammar that the language has. Whatever person can take this kind of course, although it is recommendable that a person starts taking English courses when he is a child because in this stage everything is easier to learn and more the English.

If someone has previous knowledge about the English, it is a good idea to increase it. Reading a book, listening to music, and watching television help people to develop the abilities and the level of English and also they can grow the general culture. Between more times the brain is exercised, it become to be able to speak, understand and write. In addition, the better part of this is that it does not have price because this kind of practices are free and also enjoyable. For example, when someone reads a book, it involves him in the drama also it give new words and grammar. Listening to music make your ear able to understand what others are saying. Besides reading books, and listening to music, watching television is another way to practice. Watching movies and programs with subtitles help to know words and it pronunciation.

We are living in a world which is changing constantly. Also today is the globalization and the English is the global language. To learn English is necessary to anyone. The better way to do that is taking a course but also practicing with books, music, and movies help us to exercise the brain and became it able to speak and understand this language.

By: María Magdalena Cruz López

As we know we live in a planet where different kinds of lenguagues exist. It is possible because we are more over than 6,000,000,000 millons of people. As a result of this we needed to chose a language in order to make business. There were many reasons for did that. Our planet has many countries, but some of those have a native language, for example USA, Australia, etc. their native idiom is English.

We know that English is a big tool for making business. It helps several countries around de world. Making business is a good idea for getting a better life. A lot of people in this planet speak other idioms like Spanish, japans, Chinese. Thanks to their business that humans did our world has changed in a good way because now exist more employment, develop countries and cities, and more opportunities for living better. However; not all think in the same way. People say that business were not a good idea because several companies change from other countries in order to save money. They took that decision because the world has countries that they are not developed and if you change a company to those kinds of countries it would be possible that you can pay less for the work and consequently the company is going to save more money.

So in conclusion is a big paradox to talk about business because it’s true that you can help many people with lack of jobs, but its true that several times humans just think in his benefits.

By: Ivan Alejandro Aguero Castañeda
Why English?

English is one of the most used languages around the globe. It’s a worldwide dialect that many people have adopted in order to understand one another in common terms. When talking about English we can refer to its uses in a lot of scenarios. This language was not so important in the past, but after the World War II it took a lot of importance and we use it from the school to business having a great influence from the United States.

Since the World War II when United States was in contact with a lot of cultures it had a great impact that many countries started to learn the dialect and also many words were added to the language during those times. It was from this that the language started to expand and that is why at this period of time this is one of the most important languages, and besides one of the easiest to learn compared to others.

Ever since those days English have played a distinguished role in our everyday activities. For example in schools a lot of teachers have started to impart classes supported by the language, and you can see now very young children talking and understanding it better than it was fifteen or twenty years ago. And that’s why today there are more people prepared using it at work, for example in business it has gained a lot of importance. A lot of professional people in the environment of business have adopted this dialect as an indicator to understand each other. It has never been so easy to communicate in this environment as it is now and more deals are made day by day.

We cannot be talking about it without referring to one of the most essential influence; I’m talking about the United States. The States have made a great contribution to the developing of its use. We can see how people on TV use it in a great way that it motivates us to learn it and speak it so fluid. All of this is also thanks to the globalization that makes us experience a lot of things written and spoken in English.

In conclusion, we live in a world when every day we are in contact with English either in school or work or in the TV or other media; we have to accept that this is the international language where everybody can understand one another era.

By: Juan Miguel Gomez Herrera
Why learning English is a good idea

In our present time, English is the main language around the world, and as a consequence, no matter what you do, English is there. Be it in the business world, the educational field or the internet universe it is a good idea to know English in order to be successful.

In the international market English is a really important tool, because if you are making business with another person in the other side of the world, you have to be able to understand the agreements of the contracts that you are signing, and the most probable thing is that the other person knows English, because after all, English is considered as the business language in all the planet. To the other hand, English gives you the chance to aspire for a better position in your job, or even better, if you don’t have a job at all, it gives you the opportunity to get a good one, making this knowledge a big investment in your career.

If you are a teacher or a student, English knowledge is invaluable in order to have a better development in your education. One clear example of this statement is that commonly the best books available in almost every subject are written in English, and sometimes there is no translation at all for that particular book that we need, and software and machine translators are not yet ready to provide us good translations. Besides this, if you apply for a master degree, one of the most important requirements is a good level of English in order to be informed and share the researching and discoveries in your field.

Finally in the vast universe of the internet, English is an indispensable resource to get to know what is happening out there in the world of social networks, music, movies, videogames, and software. In fact, if you think about it, since the first moment that you are in the net, there is something in English in the right or left side of your screen. And to be honest, to have the power to communicate with another person of a different culture is really nice, being language the only barrier that impedes this.

To sum up, there is no single field in which English is not useful. And we can make advantage of this, increasing our knowledge and level of it.

By: Abraham Torres Salas
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Why do we need English when we travel?

English is an international language, and almost everywhere you go people speak English. English is the language that helps people to deal with the situation. When traveling around the world, there are several ways to make your trip easier and funnier. For these reasons traveling is easier when you know English as a second tongue.

When you travel, obviously you need services since you arrive to the airport until you return home. For example: if you are in the line waiting for your luggage and you want to do something else, like going to the restroom, to make a call or buying something, you can tell to the person who is before or next to you to keep an eye on your things in order to do what you need. Furthermore, when you go out from the airport sometimes you have to take a taxi. So you have to tell the direction you are going to the taxi driver and if you know English he is going to understand you.

To the other hand, when you are at the hotel you have to make the reservation and in all the hotels there has to be at least one person that speaks English, and in that way, you can easily get your reservation. Another situation is when you are in your room and you want something. You just have to make a telephone call to the reception to ask for service room and the person that works there is going to give you all you need. Another needing is when you are in a store and you want to buy something. You just have to tell to the salesperson what you need and he or she can give you what you asked for.

If you want to work abroad it is better if you speak English as a second tongue, because you have the opportunity to get a good job in which you can develop your skills. For example, you can apply for a job as a tourist guide. And the tourists will be grateful if you speak Spanish and English.
English is the international language per excellence. If you speak this language you can open many doors in you life due to the fact that is the most important language in the world.

By: Karla Huereca Díaz
The crucial expanse of English

English has become a useful tool for many people all over the world and has had a big impact in many cultures. Now a days English is a necessity, but since when and how did this phenomenal language started to become the international language that everyone knows and needs to communicate with people over the world. I’m not sure, but what I am sure about is that the influence English had in World War II was a big weight and a start off to let it become what it is today.

Two of the counties that used English as a native language were United States and England and as many people know these were two of the main exponents from the World War II that had a lot of interference with many countries. At that time the “Bad Guys” were the countries that had an alliance with Germany, so in order to fight them the United States and England send military personnel to different places to gather information and make contact with many countries that were willing to fight against the “Bad Guys”. However they had a slight problem, they did not understand each other. One of them had to learn the others idiom in order to communicate with each other, so what they did is to decide on the easier one to learn for a matter of efficiency and we all know that of all idioms English is the easiest one to learn and so did they in the past. After the days went by the interaction that many countries had with this English started to stay with it and little by little they went adapting to it.

This was a big and busy era for English that marked a huge change for everyone. English is now an instrument that everyone needs to communicate internationally. With the World War II English had the necessity to spread in many places over the world and because of its uncomplicated, undemanding and simple structure of the usage of the language, compared to others, it had a great benefit that avail yourself to speak with different people from different kinds of places all over the world.

By: David Mendez Nava
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