Am I too late to learn English?

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Jul 16, 2021
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Hi everyone,

My name is Emre. I'm thirty years old and i live Istanbul in Turkey. This year, I decided to learn Engilish and i searched Youtube video. Finally, I found a Youtube Channel and I was started study. This language, interested me. Because, It's have too many interesting rules and diffirent word order than Turkish word order.

I learn some Tense, adjective and adv. I confused adj. and adv. I know what that mean but I can't find in sentence structure. I use Google Translate for "sentence structure" :) I think best way learn English for beginner, read books. I'm so happy for this. Because i in this way read some good books. Examp. "Mobby Dick, Robin Hood, Black Beauty, British Life, London History, Anne of Green Gabbles...." and many good books. Speacilly the best of these books "British Life". Because i don't know what that mean. British is England? What's the U.K? British, England, United Kingdom so confused for me before read that book. I read this book, finally I illuminated about British and British Life.

However i diceded writing this letter. Because i must use about i learned tense rules. I quess, i so many times used "because" =)

I hope somebody read this text. I hope somebody give me advice.
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Hi, everyone.

My name is Emre. I'm thirty years old and I live in Istanbul in Turkey. This year, I decided to learn [STRIKE]Engilish[/STRIKE] English [STRIKE]and[/STRIKE] so I searched for a YouTube video [to help me]. Finally, I found a useful YouTube channel and I [STRIKE]was[/STRIKE] started to study. This language no comma here interested me no full stop here because no comma here [STRIKE]It's have too[/STRIKE] it has many interesting rules and the word order is different [STRIKE]word order than[/STRIKE] from Turkish. [STRIKE]word order.[/STRIKE]

I have learned some tenses, adjectives and adverbs. I get confused about adjectives and adverbs. I know what [STRIKE]that[/STRIKE] they mean but I can't [STRIKE]find[/STRIKE] identify them in sentences. [STRIKE]structure.[/STRIKE]

I used Google Translate to find out the English for "sentence structure". [STRIKE]:)[/STRIKE] Don't try to make your own emoticons.

I think the best way for a beginner to learn English [STRIKE]for beginner,[/STRIKE] is to read books. I'm [STRIKE]so[/STRIKE] very happy [STRIKE]for[/STRIKE] about this no full stop here because [STRIKE]i in this way[/STRIKE] it has led me to read some good books. For example, Moby Dick, Robin Hood, Black Beauty, British Life, London History, Anne of Green Gables, and many others. [STRIKE]good books.[/STRIKE]

[STRIKE]Speacilly[/STRIKE] The best of these books, in my opinion, is British Life no full stop here because I [STRIKE]don't[/STRIKE] didn't know what [STRIKE]that[/STRIKE] the title means. Does British [STRIKE]is[/STRIKE] mean England? What's the U.K? The terms British, England, and United Kingdom [STRIKE]so[/STRIKE] confused [STRIKE]for[/STRIKE] me before I read that book. [STRIKE]I read this book,[/STRIKE] It [STRIKE]finally I illuminated[/STRIKE] taught me about the British and British life.

However, I decided [STRIKE]writing[/STRIKE] to write this [STRIKE]letter[/STRIKE] post no full stop here because I [STRIKE]must[/STRIKE] want to use [STRIKE]about[/STRIKE] what I have learned about tense rules. I [STRIKE]quess, i so many times[/STRIKE] think I have used "because" too many times.

I hope somebody reads this text [STRIKE]I hope somebody[/STRIKE] and can give me advice.

Welcome to the forum. :hi:

Please note my corrections above. Your two most common errors were:

1. Not capitalising the word "I" (first person singular pronoun). You must capitalise the word every time you write it.
2. Putting a full stop before "because".

You also had several spelling mistakes. We recommend installing an English spell checker on your browser. It will underline most spelling and grammar errors so you can fix them before submitting your post.
In order to learn English effectively, you should study using a respected textbook, use a good dictionary, read text from reliable sources and watch/listen to English programmes.

Please don't use dictionary abbreviations in your texts ("adj", "adv", etc). Use complete words.
Don't try to make your own emoticons/smilies. If you really want one, click on the :) icon in the toolbar and choose the appropriate one.

I have moved this post to the general Editing and Writing Topics section because it is not a letter.
Welcome, Emre!

The correct question is either:

- Am I too old to learn English?

- Is it too late for me to learn English?

And the answer is: No, you're not too old and it's not too late! Lots of adults study and learn languages.
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