All of the emotional pain/among the emotional pains

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Aug 17, 2019
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Student or Learner
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Bengali; Bangla
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1. All of the emotional pain, losing a loved one is most painful.
2. Among the emotional pains, losing a loved one is most painful.

Are both correct?
No. Neither one is correct.
You need "Of all the ...". However, why are you writing such a sentence?
Among all the emotional pain, ❌
Among all the emotional pains. ❌
All of the emotional pain. ❌
All of the emotional pains. ❌
Of all the emotional pain. ✔️

Am I right here?

Why am I writing it? Answer: I'm making an aphorism.
If you want an aphorism, try this:

People think the worst thing that can happen to you is to die, but the worst thing that can happen to you is for your wife to die.

You seem to be inventing new phrases. Why are you doing that?
I'm making an aphorism.
I'll give you a tip -- feel free to ignore it of course.

This applies to any language. You can't set out to make an aphorism. So many of your posts deal with aphorisms that I get the impression you try to make them up because you enjoy doing so.

People make up something that can be called an aphorism when something happens in their lives that prompts them to come up with one.

When you try to make up an aphorism in a foreign language, you're likely to come up with something unnatural.
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