all notebooks were put out there


Key Member
Feb 23, 2017
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Student or Learner
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Hong Kong
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Hong Kong
Today, a girl asked the cashier if there were any other colours of the notebook she was holding.
The cashier pointed to the shelves and said "all notebooks were put out there." (She implied if you couldn't see other colours, then there were not.)

The cashier speaks in Chinese and I translated it. Does my translated version make sense?
**spoke in Chinese

Yes. An American might say, "If you don't see it we don't have it." In other words, everything you see on the shelves is what we have.
**spoke in Chinese

Yes. An American might say, "If you don't see it we don't have it." In other words, everything you see on the shelves is what we have.
In Britain that would sound a little rude. The answer would more likely be something like "we only have what is on the shelves".
"What we have is on display' or 'all our stock is on display', or even "No, everything we have is out."

It doesn't really matter how you phrase it, because we all really know it's just an excuse to avoid the effort of actually checking. :D

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