air-conditioning is cranked

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Oct 4, 2010
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I don't know what the underlined part mean, could anyone help me out? Thanks in advance.

The air-conditioning is cranked and the place feels about ten degrees cooler now than it did when Peter came through the door and he suddenly realizes he's shivering.
You'll also see cranked up used.
You can crank up your stereo or radio, too. Again, the idea is not that it is started, but that it is running at full power/capacity.

Hey, that's a good song. Crank it up!
You can crank up your stereo or radio, too. Again, the idea is not that it is started, but that it is running at full power/capacity.

Hey, that's a good song. Crank it up!

Does "crank it up" only mean "turn it up to maximum" or can it just mean "turn it up to pretty loud please!"?
Does "crank it up" only mean "turn it up to maximum" or can it just mean "turn it up to pretty loud please!"?

Yes, that is probably a better definition.
Does "crank it up" only mean "turn it up to maximum" or can it just mean "turn it up to pretty loud please!"?

Depends on the crankee's wish.
Depends on the crankee's wish.

If the person turning the knob is the cranker, doesn't that make the amp (or speakers) the crankee? I'd be surprised if they wished for anything!
Does "crank it up" only mean "turn it up to maximum" or can it just mean "turn it up to pretty loud please!"?

That's a universal request to turn it up to eleven.
Only if there's a miniature Stonehenge involved! ;-)
If the person turning the knob is the cranker, doesn't that make the amp (or speakers) the crankee? I'd be surprised if they wished for anything!

No, the "crankee" is the person from whom the request originated. ;-)
No, the "crankee" is the person from whom the request originated. ;-)

Ah, I was using the same theory as "employer/employee".
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