"Ain't" ...?

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Jan 3, 2016
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That " ain't " word, is it a verb or an abbreviation and how & when is it used?
And is it correct in orthography or is it just an informal form used between friends and family ... ?

Thanks a lot beforehand.
Welcome to the forum, emylan.

It's a very informal contraction of isn't.

Have a look at some of the Similar Threads ​below.
[STRIKE]That[/STRIKE] Is the word "ain't" [STRIKE]word, is it[/STRIKE] a verb or an abbreviation, and how and when is it used?
[STRIKE]And[/STRIKE] Is it correct in orthography or is it just an informal form used between friends and family?

[STRIKE]Thanks a lot beforehand.[/STRIKE] Unnecessary. Thank us later if and when we are helpful.

See above. Note the correct construction of a question in part 1. Don't put a space after opening quotation marks or before closing quotation marks.
It can replace various verbs like am not/ aren't/isn't/haven't/hasn't. It is an informal form, but is quite widely used in colloquial language.
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