[Grammar] Advantages of cars

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Feb 3, 2012
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I am writing short essays to improve my writing skill.

Following is an essay on advantages of cars.

Comfort- Travelling in a car is very comfortable. Cars are equipped with air conditioners. So even in the hot season, we can commute with ease and a lot of comforts. In the car, it is possible to travel up to long distance without getting tired.
Speed- Cars can be driven at high speeds. Moving from one city to another city is convenient in cars.
More people can travel together- In any type of car be it small or large, at least five passengers can travel together. This thing is best for a family or group of friends.
Useful in an emergency- when it comes to taking somebody in the hospital, particularly at midnight when there is unavailability of public transport, having a car is a boon.

Please, suggest any grammatical mistakes.
More people can travel together

These headings shouldn't be used in an essay in my opinion.
That's not an essay. That's a list of advantages and a short explanation of each one.
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