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May 19, 2010
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It really matters to me,
I wanted to know if in the future I can make a part time job by being a web teacher or not.
I would be grateful if you told me whether there is a benefit participating this website for you well respected teachers or not?
It really matters to me,
I wanted to know if in the future I can make a part time job by being a web teacher or not.
I would be grateful if you told me whether there is a benefit participating this website for you well respected teachers or not?

Do you think we get any money for this?
Do you think we get any money for this?
You mean we don't? :-(

What the **** have I been doing this for for the last few months?

I resign.
You mean we don't? :-(

What the **** have I been doing this for for the last few months?

I resign.

Why are you resigning, sir? Aren't you really paid for your services?
Why are you resigning, sir? Aren't you really paid for your services?

We do this because we love the English language, and we enjoy helping others to use it.

We must be mad. :silly:

We do this because we love the English language, and we enjoy helping others to use it.

We must be mad. :silly:
Oh, that's great. I also love the English language very much. I'm really obsessed with English. :eek:nfire:
I would be grateful if you told me whether there is a benefit participating this website for you well respected teachers or not?

Hello Ata.
There is absolutely no monetary benefit to doing this.
The benefits are all about feeling good about helping people.

I still feel that it's a good trade of time=fulfillment. If you're looking to get rich, this isn't the place.
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We do this because we love the English language, and we enjoy helping others to use it.

We must be mad. :silly:

I respect and appreciate your madness, Five.
Hello Ata.
There is absolutely no monetary benefit to doing this.
There benefits are feeling good about helping people. ( Is this sentence correct?)

I still feel that it's a good trade of time=fulfillment. If you're looking to get rich, this isn't the place.

Please explain.
It should have said "The benefits ..."

We're only human, you know! ;-)
I think that I am a bit above that.:angel:
What do you mean, sir? You're not a human? You mean you're an angel? You're in deed an angel for students. :up:
Er, yes, didn't you realize that there is a higher class of beings who... uh, who communicate in typos? (I've fixed my post. Thanks.)
Er, yes, didn't you realize that there is a higher class of beings who... uh, who communicate in typos? (I've fixed my post. Thanks.)
Teacher, who did you address, me?
I"m not a teacher.

Mostly, that was to 5jj.
Hello there,
I enjoy being here taking with you, even it matters more than learning English does.
But let me speak in details and scientific,
First of all earning money is not bad at all, it would help the quality of website and as I know, based on my own experience here, there are really great teachers here so they deserve to be appreciated, whether by being paid or getting a qualified degree or something.
Second of all, if it is a well known and respected website among scholars, the title you great teachers have here would be a nice resume and of course having benefits in the sequel.
Your pupil,
All very nice in theory, but the web is a place where people expect things to be free and it is very hard to get people to pay. Advertising covers the expenses for bandwidth, servers, support, software, etc, but if we started charging, then a lot of people would simply look around for a different free site. One British newspaper started charging and it is estimated to have lost 90% of its traffic.
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