About Timeline: She has been learning to drive ...

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Alice Chu

Oct 14, 2019
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English Teacher
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Hello, dear teachers.
Could you please tell me which of the timelines below is correct, the green one or the red one? Thank you very much.

1. She has been learning to drive for two months but she still can’t drive well.

Please note that I have improved your thread title.

Extract from the Posting Guidelines:

'Thread titles should include all or part of the word/phrase being discussed.'
The green one does seem more likely to me.
The green one does seem more likely to me.

I agree (if I had to choose one). It's possible that the sentence could continue with "... but she's decided to give up". In that case, the learning would not extend into the future but the continuous would still be appropriate in the first part.
The dotted part of the green arrow is just meant to imply that the learning is likely to continue. There's nothing in the language of the sentence that says anything about the future, though; it could well be that she's had her last ever lesson.

Personally, I tend to use something similar to the red timeline in my lessons. If a key part of the meaning of the utterance is that the action will continue, I'll add the extra part.
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