[Essay] A tiny story - Food sharing (Lion, wolf and fox) - Part II

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Jan 16, 2015
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Story - Food sharing (Lion, wolf and fox) - Part II

Lion’s action causing anxiety to the fox. Fox feel on his minds to escape from there. Lion understand the fox’s situation and asked “ Fox! Do not panic! It is fair that I killed and ate that wolf. OK, let it go. Divide this food to you and me” said lion.

Fox understand that even if a piece of bone falls lesser to the lion the fate happened to the wolf would repeat to me. In great fear, fox tooks only a piece of bone and allotted rest of the food to the lion. Lion has delighted when he saw the fox’s food dividing.

“Fox! How exactly did the distribution ?” asked Lion. “I had watching the fate of one who sharing(wolf) the food before. Even then the brain doesn’t work for me? Replied fox.

“There was unity amongst us and it needs to be. But, when it comes to the distribution of food rather than balance, their unity will last long only if required distribution. So that every life can survive. We should understand on our need and to be unity is true balance. In this case, the wolf acted very discouraging manner to me. This should be a lesson for others that is the reason I punished the wolf” Lion illustrated to the fox.

Fox accepts lion’s opinion. That day onwards fox allots right amount of food to the lion.

Moral of the story: Food distribution should be based on the need/size of every living organism.
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