a stepping stone to better things...

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Sep 30, 2019
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Have I used "stepping stone" correctly and naturally? Are these okay?

1. This painting is not the best I can do. It won't be my magnum opus but hopefully it will be a stepping stone to better things.
2. Overall, the process of doing my first painting was a great experience. Hopefully, this endeavor will be a stepping stone to better things.
They're OK. but they are too modest. (See below.)

This one is just my first painting -- one small step on the road to greatness!
I wouldn't use "stepping stone" in either. I'd expect "a step" as suggested by Tarheel or "a start".
I agree with Barque. We usually use "stepping stone" as a position one assumes which would lead to bigger things. Doing a painting is not significant enough to be considered a stepping stone.
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I'd like to get a second opinion.
I'd like to get a second opinion.
I'd say you have the general idea of what "stepping stone" means. It just doesn't sound completely natural in those sentences.

Let's say you're looking to get some really big deals for your company. You get a small order from a customer who's unlikely to be a regular or very profitable one, but who might recommend you to others if he likes your products or services. You could call that deal a stepping stone to your ultimate goal. It's something small that may help you get to bigger things.

Your sentences about your painting on the other hand are more about you getting experience, and then improving. There's a nuance that's difficult to explain.
Because none of the opinions offered were from native English teachers.
People don't always have to be native speakers or qualified teachers to give you an accurate answer. Are your English teachers in Iran all native speakers?

An Englishman who dropped out from school at the age of ten and lived on the streets could, truthfully, say he's a native speaker and answer your questions. Do you think he'd always be right?

Perhaps you haven't reached the point where you can distinguish between accurate and inaccurate answers.
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One of the advantages of a forum like this is that if somebody gives an incorrect answer, it will soon be corrected.
@alpacinou The responses vary, but not that much. Also, any English teacher who disagreed with them would surely have said so. They haven't done that, which says something in itself. Also, the "likes" are a way of making a comment without having to post anything.

I understand that "It's OK" might be disappointing if you were hoping for stronger approval. However, that was as much enthusiasm as I could work up.
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