A smart person in just one word.


New member
Feb 18, 2024
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English Teacher
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Russian Federation
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Russian Federation
I am wondering if there is a way to say “an intelligent/smart person” in just one word (providing that it is a noun). I started thinking about it about an hour ago and haven’t found any solutions so far. :D The only word that occurred to me was the word “smarty” but as far as I know it’s often used in a derogatory way. I tried to check it and got even more confused. 🫤 Some online dictionaries say that that word describes only a would be smart person (so it’s just deriding/humorous/derogatory), some on the contrary explain its meaning as “a smart person”. And some mention both meanings. So I hope that I can get some thorough explanation on what that word might mean in different contexts and situations on this website. :) And maybe you have some ideas on how to describe a bright/smart person with just one noun (without help of an adjective, and if that word is a slang word— it’s totally ok:)).
Thank you in advance for any answers :).
Hi there, and welcome to the forum. :)
Try "genius" or possibly "prodigy". Also, take a look at the following link. You might find some useful synonyms in it.
Thank you so much for your help:). “Genius” or “prodigy“ won’t be suitable for the context I need, but thank you anyway:).
And thanks for the link as well:).
What context/scenario do you have in mind?

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