A shack to store construction materials and equipment

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Junior Member
Apr 30, 2020
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Hi all,
Here is an extract from "https://thestar.com.my"
"...A shack to store construction materials and equipment has been covered with overgrowth and receptacles amid the tanks and rusty machinery are found to contain stagnant water..."

I would like to know if "that" is missing from the article as in "....amid the tanks and rusty machinery that are found to contain stagnant water..."?
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The sentence is certainly ungrammatical as you have written it.

Please post a link to the source so we can see more context.
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Here is the link
Hi all,
Here is an extract from "https://thestar.com.my"
"...A shack to store construction materials and equipment has been covered with overgrowth and receptacles amid the tanks and rusty machinery containing stagnant water..."

My suggestion.
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