[Vocabulary] a place where people learn to drive

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Jan 20, 2016
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Try as I might, I couldn't think of the English word/phrase for that special place where people learn to drive and practise certain manoeuvres before taking their driving test.

Thank you.
In the US, it's a driving school.
In the UK, it's a driving school or a series of lessons from a private, qualified driving instructor.
Here's another place: I learned to drive in a high school class called "driver's ed," which is short for "driver's education."
I had two driving instruction classes in high school. Driver's Ed(ucation) was a classroom class. Driver training​ was an on-the-road training class.
I should have been more specific. What I mean is that piece of ground where learners practise some "set" manoeuvres, such as reverse parking, parallel parking, or driving in reverse gear.


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You could call that a (driver) training course.
I've never seen a setup like the one shown in the picture. In the UK, we learn to drive on the roads, including practising parking, three-point turns, reversing round a corner etc.
Some people do an intensive driving course (usually a week long) where they are based at a driving centre somewhere in the country. It's possible those centres have a practice area like the one shown but I've never been to one of those centres so I can't say for sure.
I've never seen a setup like the one shown in the picture. In the UK, we learn to drive on the roads, including practising parking, three-point turns, reversing round a corner etc.
Some people do an intensive driving course (usually a week long) where they are based at a driving centre somewhere in the country. It's possible those centres have a practice area like the one shown but I've never been to one of those centres so I can't say for sure.

I've never heard of that, either. We learn on streets and in parking lots.

Looks like fun, though!
It's possible those centres have a practice area like the one shown but I've never been to one of those centres so I can't say for sure.

A "practice area" is the term I've been looking for!
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