a person who is applying for a job ... is asked to submit a curriculum vitae

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Mar 4, 2017
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In U.S. English, a person who is applying for a job as a scientist, doctor, or professor at a college or university is asked to submit a curriculum vitae. For other jobs, the usual word in U.S. English is résumé.
https://learnersdictionary.com/definition/curriculum vitae
1. Why is the present progressive used?
2. How about "... who applies ..."?

I think that "is applying" means that the person is in the process of applying for a job. That is fine with me. However, in my opinion the present simple could also work. What do you think?
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A friend replied to me, "Yeah, exactly. 'Is applying for' and 'applies for' both work here.

I agree with him. However I'd also like to your opinion(s). :)
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