A grim look crossed Jarrod's face

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Sep 30, 2019
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I want to say someone was shocked and upset and scared when they saw something. Can I use "grim look"?

Is this okay?

Jarrod lifted the cloth and saw her wound. A grim look crossed his face but he immediately tried to hide it, smiling at her.

Is there a better way to express it?
No. Have you looked up grim in a dictionary?
What can I use then?
Can I use "distressed"?

Jarrod lifted the cloth and saw her wound. A distressed look crossed his face but he immediately tried to hide it, smiling at her.
I honestly think that grim look is OK.
Are both of these okay?

1. Jarrod lifted the cloth and saw her wound. A distressed look crossed his face but he immediately tried to hide it, smiling at her.

2. Jarrod lifted the cloth and saw her wound. A grim look crossed his face but he immediately tried to hide it, smiling at her.
How about worried in the first?
... or concerned?
How about worried in the first?
1. Jarrod lifted the cloth and saw her wound. A worried look crossed his face but he immediately tried to hide it, smiling at her.
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