A film review (please check)

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Feb 25, 2023
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Tuesdays with Morrie is a drama which was directed by Mick Jackson. Jack Lemmon played the role of Morrie Schwartz and Hank Azaria played the role of Mitch Albom. The film is based on a true story that was written about in a book by Mitch Albom.

The film is mostly about a series of visits Albom made to his former sociology professor Morrie Schwartz who dies of ALS. In those days, Mitch promised to keep in touch with his professor, but he hadn’t done it for almost sixteen years. One day he saw his professor on TV. After that, he doubted visiting him because he broke his promise about staying in touch with him. In the end, he went to him, and they talked to each other about both lives. Morrie gave him lots of advice. Morrie’s last words were “Love each other or die”.

I really liked this film from start to finish. I found the plot original. All actors played their roles pretty well. It is one of the best films which I have seen. I recommend it to watch.
Tuesdays with Morrie is a drama which was directed by Mick Jackson. Jack Lemmon played the role of Morrie Schwartz and Hank Azaria played the role of Mitch Albom. The film is based on a true story from that was written about in a book by Mitch Albom.

The film is mostly about a series of visits Albom made to his former sociology professor Morrie Schwartz who dieds of ALS. In those days, Mitch promised to keep in touch with his professor, but didn't speak to him he hadn’t done it for almost sixteen years. One day, after seeing Morrie on TV, he saw his professor on TV. he decided to visit him but was hesitant since he hadn't kept his word. After that, he doubted visiting him because he broke his promise about staying in touch with him. In the end, Finally he went and saw to him, and they talked to each other about their both lives. Morrie gave him a lots of advice. His last words to Mitch Morrie’s last words were “Love each other or die”.

When Morrie said "Love each other or die", was he talking about Mitch and someone else?

Mitch had promised to keep in touch with his former professor but hadn't spoken to him for almost 16 years.
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You can say "a lot of advice" or "lots of advice".


The plot is original. It is one of the best films I've seen. I recommend it.
@ubahrom That's not really a film review. You haven't given an opinion. It's a summary or a précis.

@Barque Just a note for future posts in which you make corrections - on a PC (and possibly on a mobile), the strikethrough and underline functions have an annoying habit of continuing across the space after a word you strike out or underline. It's messy and it makes the resulting text hard to read. You can either remove those extra markups manually or (I discovered when using a PC at work) you can highlight the relevant word from right to left, making sure you start right at the end of the word not the space. If you do that, it strikes through or underlines just the word, not the spaces. I've edited the quote box in your post #2 to remove the extra markings.
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