30 metaphors in spanish! how do you say in english, please help me!

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Jun 12, 2006
I am writing my thesis research about metaphors, so please, could you help me writing the meaning in english?

1. comes de pavo, that means when somebody eats without paying for it, for example in a reunion between the family.
2. Eres puerco, it is used to denote that, being a pig synonymous of dirt, when a person is dirt, you are a big?
In other context, when you don't want to collaborate with money to anything, you are???????
3. La chica es una jirafa, this metaphor is used to express that girl; in this case, is big.
4. Ponte mosca, it is used to ask somebody to pay attention on some activity. mosca means fly.
5. Que fue pollo! Pollo means a young boy and it is used to say hello
6. Eres un perro, you are dog???? it is used to express that somebody agree with somebody else, in order to obtain his consideration or some favor of him.
7. Hagamos vaquita? vaquita ( cow ) it is used when in a group of friends, somebody proposes to join some money to do some activity.
8. Ella es tremenda vaca, she is tremendous cow??????? It is used to express that a woman is too fat.
9. Estoy hecho miercoles, I am Wednesday??????????? To be filthy????? It is used to express that you have a lo of problems.
10. Se pego los tragos. He clued the drinks????? It is used to express that somebody is drunk.????
11. Me caes al huevo. It is used to express discomfort before somebody?????? Or I don’t like him.
12 La Liga es papaya. The Liga a football club is papaya????? It is used to express that something or somebody is easy to achieve or to beat.
13. Cuantas uvas te pegas? How many grapes do you eat????? It is used to know how many grapes do you eat? But in informal style, pegas comes of the verb to clue.
14. Le damos una calida bienvenida? You are welcome??????? That seems to be a saying.
15. Mi relacion es tormentosa. It is used to express that you have a bad relationship with your partner.
My relation is ?????? But it would be a literal translation.
16. Se mato llorando, it is used that somebody had cried too much. He killed himself crying?????????
17. Ponte once. It is used to ask somebody to pay more attention. Put your self eleven??????
18. Ecuador saco su artilleria y gano. It is used. For example when a sport club win a game???? Putting all its effort.
19. Kaviedes es una mina. It is used to express that a person has good qualities and it can be still improved. Kaviedes is a mine.
20. Que foco que eres. Foco means light bulb. It is used to express that somebody acts or had not a good behavior. So he is the focus of attention.
21. Que tapa que eres. Tapa means a lid. It is used to express that somebody don’t understand things that are apparently easy.
22. Eres basura, basura means rubbish garbage???? You are rubbish ???????
23. Estoy hecho pedazos. I am broke????????? I have a lot of problems, no I am in rod.
24. Tiene la mente llena de problemas. He has the mind full of problems????????
25. Me enciende el Corazon. Enciende comes to the verb encender to light, he lights my heart???????????
26. La cabeza me explota. My head explodes me???????????? I have many problems that my head explodes me??????????
27. Tiene su Corazon roto. He has a broken heart?????????? I have a deception with somebody, I mean with my girlfriend.
28. Te falta un tornillo. Tornillo is a screw. You are crazy???????? But it seems to be a saying. Isn’t it????
29. Eres un cepillo. Cepillo is a brush, it is used to express that somebody makes things in order to obtain some benefit of somebody else. You are brush???????????
30. Somos blancos de la delincuencia. It is used to express that people lack of safety. We are white of???????.
Thanks all of you for your suggestions…..and please corrects me my mistakes.
The thing with expressions is...well, that they are expressions! It's impossible to translate a lot of them but here i go....
8. She's a fat cow.
12. maybe you could say the game's in the bag, or we'll cream the other team or the other team's toast or we'll bury the other team. or a game against X team? that's nothing!
15 the relationship is a mess
16 she cried to death...you can do anything to death...eat to death, watch movies to death
19 __ has so much potential.
25 lights up my life, my heart is on fire
26 i have so many probs my head is ready to burst/explode

vinicio said:
I am writing my thesis research about metaphors, so please, could you help me writing the meaning in english?
1. comes de pavo, that means when somebody eats without paying for it, for example in a reunion between the family.
2. Eres puerco, it is used to denote that, being a pig synonymous of dirt, when a person is dirt, you are a big?
In other context, when you don't want to collaborate with money to anything, you are???????
3. La chica es una jirafa, this metaphor is used to express that girl; in this case, is big.
4. Ponte mosca, it is used to ask somebody to pay attention on some activity. mosca means fly.
5. Que fue pollo! Pollo means a young boy and it is used to say hello
6. Eres un perro, you are dog???? it is used to express that somebody agree with somebody else, in order to obtain his consideration or some favor of him.
7. Hagamos vaquita? vaquita ( cow ) it is used when in a group of friends, somebody proposes to join some money to do some activity.
8. Ella es tremenda vaca, she is tremendous cow??????? It is used to express that a woman is too fat.
9. Estoy hecho miercoles, I am Wednesday??????????? To be filthy????? It is used to express that you have a lo of problems.
10. Se pego los tragos. He clued the drinks????? It is used to express that somebody is drunk.????
11. Me caes al huevo. It is used to express discomfort before somebody?????? Or I don’t like him.
12 La Liga es papaya. The Liga a football club is papaya????? It is used to express that something or somebody is easy to achieve or to beat.
13. Cuantas uvas te pegas? How many grapes do you eat????? It is used to know how many grapes do you eat? But in informal style, pegas comes of the verb to clue.
14. Le damos una calida bienvenida? You are welcome??????? That seems to be a saying.
15. Mi relacion es tormentosa. It is used to express that you have a bad relationship with your partner.
My relation is ?????? But it would be a literal translation.
16. Se mato llorando, it is used that somebody had cried too much. He killed himself crying?????????
17. Ponte once. It is used to ask somebody to pay more attention. Put your self eleven??????
18. Ecuador saco su artilleria y gano. It is used. For example when a sport club win a game???? Putting all its effort.
19. Kaviedes es una mina. It is used to express that a person has good qualities and it can be still improved. Kaviedes is a mine.
20. Que foco que eres. Foco means light bulb. It is used to express that somebody acts or had not a good behavior. So he is the focus of attention.
21. Que tapa que eres. Tapa means a lid. It is used to express that somebody don’t understand things that are apparently easy.
22. Eres basura, basura means rubbish garbage???? You are rubbish ???????
23. Estoy hecho pedazos. I am broke????????? I have a lot of problems, no I am in rod.
24. Tiene la mente llena de problemas. He has the mind full of problems????????
25. Me enciende el Corazon. Enciende comes to the verb encender to light, he lights my heart???????????
26. La cabeza me explota. My head explodes me???????????? I have many problems that my head explodes me??????????
27. Tiene su Corazon roto. He has a broken heart?????????? I have a deception with somebody, I mean with my girlfriend.
28. Te falta un tornillo. Tornillo is a screw. You are crazy???????? But it seems to be a saying. Isn’t it????
29. Eres un cepillo. Cepillo is a brush, it is used to express that somebody makes things in order to obtain some benefit of somebody else. You are brush???????????
30. Somos blancos de la delincuencia. It is used to express that people lack of safety. We are white of???????.
Thanks all of you for your suggestions…..and please corrects me my mistakes.
thanks a lot ENG
It is part of my study, and it will be very useful for me.
I know that we can't translate it in a literal way. So I am looking for their equivalents in English.
i'll try to ask my friend for some help. she's fluent in both english and spanish. the funny thing with my brain right now is that it seems to have gone on vacation so even my english is poor haha
I am writing my thesis research about metaphors, so please, could you help me writing the meaning in english?

1. comes de pavo, that means when somebody eats without paying for it, for example in a reunion between the family. Usted no dijo si esa persona fue invitado de comer, o comio sin invitacion.
2. Eres puerco, it is used to denote that, being a pig synonymous of dirt, when a person is dirt, you are a big? "You're a pig" or "You pig!"
In other context, when you don't want to collaborate with money to anything, you are??????? "You're cheap" or "You're stingy."
3. La chica es una jirafa, this metaphor is used to express that girl; in this case, is big. Otra vez, Ud no explico el contexto, si es positivo o negativo.
4. Ponte mosca, it is used to ask somebody to pay attention on some activity. mosca means fly. "Pay attention."
5. Que fue pollo! Pollo means a young boy and it is used to say hello. "What's up, man?" or "What's going on, dude?"
6. Eres un perro, you are dog???? it is used to express that somebody agree with somebody else, in order to obtain his consideration or some favor of him. Creo que no hay semeja.
7. Hagamos vaquita? vaquita (cow) it is used when in a group of friends, somebody proposes to join some money to do some activity. "Let's go Dutch." or "Are you in on this?"
8. Ella es tremenda vaca, she is tremendous cow??????? It is used to express that a woman is too fat. "What a fat cow." or "She's got a wide load."
9. Estoy hecho miercoles, I am Wednesday??????????? To be filthy????? It is used to express that you have a lot of problems. "I'm buried in problems" or "I'm in deep" or "I'm in hot water."
10. Se pego los tragos. He clued the drinks????? It is used to express that somebody is drunk.???? "He's bombed" or "He's in his cups" or She drinks like a fish" or "She's a lush."
11. Me caes al huevo. It is used to express discomfort before somebody?????? Or I don’t like him. "We don't get along" or "I can't stand him."
12 La Liga es papaya. The Liga a football club is papaya????? It is used to express that something or somebody is easy to achieve or to beat. "He's no competition at all."
13. Cuantas uvas te pegas? How many grapes do you eat????? It is used to know how many grapes do you eat? But in informal style, pegas comes of the verb to clue. "Do you even have a clue?" or "Here's some moeny, go buy a clue." or "You're clueless."
14. Le damos una calida bienvenida? You are welcome??????? That seems to be a saying.
15. Mi relacion es tormentosa. It is used to express that you have a bad relationship with your partner. "We're like cats and dogs."
My relation is ?????? But it would be a literal translation.
16. Se mato llorando, it is used that somebody had cried too much. He killed himself crying????????? "She cried her eyes out." or "He cried crocodile tears."
17. Ponte once. It is used to ask somebody to pay more attention. Put your self eleven?????? "Listen up!" or, if you know their name, "Earth to Vinicio!"
18. Ecuador saco su artilleria y gano. It is used. For example when a sport club win a game???? Putting all its effort. "He took out the big guns."
19. Kaviedes es una mina. It is used to express that a person has good qualities and it can be still improved. Kaviedes is a mine. "He has room for improvement."
20. Que foco que eres. Foco means light bulb. It is used to express that somebody acts or had not a good behavior. So he is the focus of attention. "You're the center of distraction." or "He's starved for attention."
21. Que tapa que eres. Tapa means a lid. It is used to express that somebody don’t understand things that are apparently easy. "Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top." or "The lights are on, but nobody's home."
22. Eres basura, basura means rubbish garbage???? You are rubbish ??????? "You're scum."
23. Estoy hecho pedazos. I am broke????????? I have a lot of problems, no I am in rod. (In English, 'broke' means to have no money.) "I'm tapped out."
24. Tiene la mente llena de problemas. He has the mind full of problems???????? "He's swimming in problems." or, "His middle name is trouble."
25. Me enciende el Corazon. Enciende comes to the verb encender to light, he lights my heart??????????? "She warms my heart" or "Her smile brightens my day."
26. La cabeza me explota. My head explodes me???????????? I have many problems that my head explodes me??????????
27. Tiene su Corazon roto. He has a broken heart?????????? I have a deception with somebody, I mean with my girlfriend. "He lost in love." or "He loved and he lost." (both of these are past tense.)
28. Te falta un tornillo. Tornillo is a screw. You are crazy???????? But it seems to be a saying. Isn’t it???? "She has a screw loose." or "He's a nut."
29. Eres un cepillo. Cepillo is a brush, it is used to express that somebody makes things in order to obtain some benefit of somebody else. You are brush??????????? (Negativo o positivo?)
30. Somos blancos de la delincuencia. It is used to express that people lack of safety. We are white of???????.
Thanks all of you for your suggestions…..and please corrects me my mistakes.
1. comes de pavo, that means when somebody eats without paying for it, for example in a reunion between the family.
We don't have one for this specific case. 'He has short arms and deep pockets' - but that's just generally mean.
2. Eres puerco, it is used to denote that, being a pig synonymous of dirt, when a person is dirt, you are a pig?:up:
In other context, when you don't want to collaborate with money to anything, you are??????? I don't know what you mean.
3. La chica es una jirafa, this metaphor is used to express that girl; in this case, is big.
'giraffe' for very tall; 'stick-insect' for very thin.
4. Ponte mosca, it is used to ask somebody to pay attention on some activity. mosca means fly.
No exact equivalent. If you want someone to pay special attention to what you are saying, say 'Read my lips: [important thing]'.
5. Que fue pollo! Pollo means a young boy and it is used to say hello
I don't know what you mean.
6. Eres un perro, you are dog???? it is used to express that somebody agree with somebody else, in order to obtain his consideration or some favor of him.
He's showing 'cupboard love'.
7. Hagamos vaquita? vaquita ( cow ) it is used when in a group of friends, somebody proposes to join some money to do some activity.
'Shall we have a kitty' (young cat, with diminutive suffix [like '-ita']) or, in a bar, 'Shall we run a tab?'
8. Ella es tremenda vaca, she is tremendous cow??????? It is used to express that a woman is too fat.
No equivalent. Maybe an ironic 'Metabolism, I suppose' or 'Must be heavy bones' [both common excuses]
9. Estoy hecho miercoles, I am Wednesday??????????? To be filthy????? It is used to express that you have a lo of problems.
'It's not my day'; 'I must have got out of bed on the wrong side' :?: but I'm not really sure what you mean.
10. Se pego los tragos. He clued the drinks????? It is used to express that somebody is drunk.????
Many possibilities: 'had a skinful', 'had a few too many', 'half-cut', 'one over the eight', 'three sheets to the wind', 'legless'', '"tired and emotional"' - with this one you have to make the quotation marks obvious (it was the official justification for a politician once and has since become a common euphemism), 'rat-faced', 'ratted', 'trolleyed'...
More later. ;-)

11. Me caes al huevo. It is used to express discomfort before somebody?????? Or I don’t like him.
'You get my goat/rub me up the wrong way.'We knock sparks off each other/don't get on.'
12 La Liga es papaya. The Liga a football club is papaya????? It is used to express that something or somebody is easy to achieve or to beat.
a patsy/a pushover [the opposition], no contest [the match]; and when the score's 5-0 2 minutes before the final whistle 'Start the car.'
13. Cuantas uvas te pegas? How many grapes do you eat????? It is used to know how many grapes do you eat? But in informal style, pegas comes of the verb to clue.
:?: What does 'to clue' mean?
14. Le damos una calida bienvenida? You are welcome??????? That seems to be a saying.
:up: - or 'You are most welcome'; a 'warm welcome' is a phrase we use, but not :?:'You are warmly welcome':?: . One could say 'We wish you a warm welcome'.
15. Mi relacion es tormentosa. It is used to express that you have a bad relationship with your partner.
My relation is ?????? But it would be a literal translation.
16. Se mato llorando, it is used that somebody had cried too much. He killed himself crying?????????
Someone else has done this: "She cried her eyes out." (Not "He cried crocodile tears" though; 'crocodile tears' are hypocritical, 'political' tears with no emotion behind them - the image comes from a story that involved a crocodile that cried before eating its prey.
17. Ponte once. It is used to ask somebody to pay more attention. Put your self eleven??????
Someone's done this too: 'Pay attention'; or maybe 'keep up'. If someone's mind is wandering 'Hello - anybody there?' or 'Stay with us'.
18. Ecuador saco su artilleria y gano. It is used. For example when a sport club win a game???? Putting all its effort.
Sounds to me like 'Ecuador brought out the big guns' - they didn't just try very hard - they played their best possible team (that is 'the starting eleven' were their best players).
19. Kaviedes es una mina. It is used to express that a person has good qualities and it can be still improved. Kaviedes is a mine.
'Kaviedes has hidden depths[? - no reference to potential]/is a dark horse[?similar]/has potential [? - no reference to darkness]/is a rough diamond [! - best of the bunch, I think]'. The phrase 'is a gold mine' exists, but you can't apply it to people (rather, to opportunities): 'That sandwich bar, right next to office block, is a gold mine.'
20. Que foco que eres. Foco means light bulb. It is used to express that somebody acts or had not a good behavior. So he is the focus of attention.
'You're a bright spark'? (no negative implication though). 'You're like a candle to a moth'?? - this sounds a bit literary, but it does have the implication of other people harming themselves because of him (and the candle/moth image is common). Schoolteachers often talk about people being a 'bad influence'.

Nearly there ;-)

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21. Que tapa que eres. Tapa means a lid. It is used to express that somebody don’t understand things that are apparently easy.
:?: I have nothing to add to the various suggestions you've already been given. 'The lights are on, but nobody's in' is probably the best, to my mind.

22. Eres basura, basura means rubbish garbage???? You are rubbish ???????
'You are rubbish' isn't as strong as 'eres basura' is (as I understand it); it's not wrong, but if you really want to insult someone and express your disgust , say 'If you were on fire I wouldn't pi$ on you'. Or, less offensive: 'You are the lowest of the low.'
23. Estoy hecho pedazos. I am broke????????? I have a lot of problems, no I am in rod.
:?::?: I'm broken up. :?: No, you can't use 'broke', but I've never heard of 'tapped out'.
24. Tiene la mente llena de problemas. He has the mind full of problems????????
'Tiene el/la/los noun + verb or adj.' is 'His/her stomach aches/arm's broken...'. So in this case 'His mind is full of problems'; or 'He sees nothing but problems.'
25. Me enciende el Corazon. Enciende comes to the verb encender to light, he lights my heart??????????? That's OK. Also 'He's the love of my life.'
26. La cabeza me explota. My head explodes me???????????? I have many problems that my head explodes me??????????:cross: - 'explodes me' is wrong. 'My head's bursting [with thoughts/ideas/grief...]'
27. Tiene su Corazon roto. He has a broken heart?????????? I have a deception with somebody, I mean with my girlfriend.
'deception' is a faux ami (do you say amigo falso?) - you mean 'disappointment', or more colloquially 'My girlfriend has let me down'. But, returning to the question, 'broken heart' is fine - though (see 24) you'd say 'His heart is broken'.
28. Te falta un tornillo. Tornillo is a screw. You are crazy???????? But it seems to be a saying. Isn’t it???? Yes - but it's not usually used in the 2nd person. 'He has a screw loose.' In the 2nd person, you'd say 'You're off your head'/'You're barmy' - or '[You're] nutty as a fruit-cake' (subject optional). Also the rather more subtle 'Do they know you're out?'
29. Eres un cepillo. Cepillo is a brush, it is used to express that somebody makes things in order to obtain some benefit of somebody else. You are brush???????????
30. Somos blancos de la delincuencia. It is used to express that people lack of safety. We are white of???????.
I don't understand. Can you provide more context?
Thanks all of you for your suggestions…..and please corrects me my mistakes.
Pleasure. :)

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