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sarah ahmed22

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Dec 2, 2018
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plz correct my study plan ..
to study a language means that u are going to study its related culture, society, literature and everything about it. It gives you the chance to be open /to know a completely new world & since I've been studying English since I was 4, at the beginning it wasn't fun at all I used to hate it till I become 13 I started to watch American drama that made me more interested in the language & my mom was a great English teacher who helped me to improve my knowledge of the language n explained till I become fond of it & English become my favorite subject at high and school; then I decided to study English in college . I went to the faculty of Arts, Translation program. I fell in love with the art of translation and Linguistics, especially sociolinguistics that made me more &more interested in The English language and culture & I Ranked first in my class. then I started to work as a demonstrator at Faculty of Languages, English department I haven't realized that early it takes my time

· Explain how participation in the program will benefit not only you, but also others (students, department, and administrators) at your university.
I've been studying English for almost 20 years and teaching it officially in University for 3 years. even before that I was teaching English for primary, preparatory and high school's student as a help in my free time. although I've spent almost all my time learning English and now teaching it; I still feel like I'm in the beginning and need to learn many many things. I believe that my participation in this program will help me to enhance my knowledge, skills, and effectiveness as a teacher, researcher, or administrator in the profession. Education, in all of its traditional and modern forms, maintains a rich and complex spirit. In a continually changing landscape, we all the time need to adapt, improve, and overcome challenges, all in an effort to encourage and inspire future will give me a great chance to speak to a native speakers, know more about their daily life habits and expressions since I'm concerned with studying and teaching not only the English language but also the culture and civilization. It is this blend—the art of teaching coupled with the science of learning—that we seek to encourage, foster, and celebrate to be a good teacher it takes a lot of time, efforts, trials, experiences so I need to expand my knowledge and experiments and this will make me more effective, cultured , open-minded teacher , well acquainted with new methods and skills of teaching . this allows me to participate effectively in the development of my department and my university.
• I may have the chance to visit the library and become familiar with the literature and resources available related to my academic interests.

· Which elements of faculty development and/or academic capacity building do you hope to concentrate on during your grant? (e.g. curriculum development, assessment, educational leadership, educational administration, academic governance, use of technology in the classroom, new methods/research tools in your field, etc.) Explain why.
I'm eager to learn more about new and best methods and research tools of teaching and learning a language, many resources regarding behavior management, strategies for teaching diverse students,, to help in the development of teaching process in our faculty. to know more about modern and emerging curriculum and apply these knowledge for the best interest of the students . to gain more experience about establishing a persona in the classroom, to fostering relationships with students, to balancing teaching load with academic writing and research . to keep up with/ know more about modern technologies used during the process of learning abroad, and how we can apply it in our university according to our budget and capacities. As Junior member staff it will be of a great help/ very helpful for me to learn how to set/ establish an objective, justice and useful assessment of the students.
· How do you plan to implement what you learn through participation in the program upon your return home?
There are certain points and goals that, I seek to improve. So I'm going to put a plane for how I could effectively take advantage of this program by overcoming my defects and gaining new experiences that would help in my field . in order to help new generations for the best extent so that they won't learn just to have a certificate but to be able to befit from what they have been learning and improve their life and future
By being a good model to follow and be able to inspire them that they could do better and be a better version of their selves.
To do my best to learn, improve and benefit from this program as much as I can to help myself, university and society.
Most of the students of foreign language think of learning language as very difficult and complex process I'm planning to make the best use of this program to learn new methods and tools to change this image and try to make the process of learning language more fun and practical .
I'm planning to Use the skills I'm going to learn during the program to closely examine my shift in understanding — describe the incidents or events objectively; interpret it in context; evaluate my experience.
Become a volunteer in our study abroad office.
make a quick study abroad presentation.
Invite other returnees to a meet-and-greet or other social event.
Connect with the staff in my faculty to support ongoing research, professional experiences. Host an Information Session: to promote study abroad. Pick a theme for a group presentation, such as “Non-Traditional Study Abroad Locations” or “Service Learning Abroad.”
• Present and attend conferences, seminars, or presentations related to my study abroad program. •
I can Write an article for the local newspaper or a college paper on how my experience abroad helped me gain global understanding about a particular global issue.
· Explain the specializations or research interests within your broader academic field that you would like to explore through collaboration with U.S. faculty during your grant.
I 'v a great interest in translation and Linguistics, especially sociolinguistics how related professions, environment and society affect the language and vice versa. I believe this program will give me a great chance to make a useful comparison.
I'm an MA student conducting a research about investigating the language of humor and Translating jokes between English and Arabic; difficulties and strategies. I believe this chance will be of a great help for my research that will allow me to consult native English professors about the translatability of humor and maybe to get the translated jokes evaluated by native speakers to get more effective and reliable.
· What do you aspire to learn about American society and culture? Similarly, which aspects of your own culture, history, and background do you wish to share with American faculty and others in the community where you will be living?
I have the flexibility to fit in anywhere. I adapt easily. I feel horizontally rooted. I respect cultural differences. I have tolerance for ambiguity. I feel challenged/empowered by new experiences I enjoy a personal connection to the larger world; I feel like a global citizen. I take risks and embrace the unknown. I am curious and eager to learn.
study plan

Explain how participation in the program will benefit not only you, but also others (students, department, and administrators) at your university.
It will be a great pleasure to join this outstanding program for developing the skills of the university staff. It's a dream for me to join such a program to develop my skills and acquire teaching experiences.

I have been studying English for almost 20 years and teaching it officially in University for 3 years. Even before that, I used to teach English for primary, preparatory and high school's student as a help in my free time. Although I've spent almost all my time learning English and now teaching it; I know there are a lot of things to be learned and skills to be improved. As a professional, I'm constantly learning. Whether I'm learning informally through reading an article or conducting research, or in an educational setting like a seminar or online classroom. So new experiences with native speakers in an American environment can provide new and important information that will enhance my skills and overall knowledge. I believe that my participation in this program will help me to improve effectiveness as a teacher, researcher, or administrator in the university.

I work at an upper Egyptian university. we don't have many chances to travel and hardly find a chance to speak to natives directly. The program will offer a great chance to: speak to native speakers, know more about their daily life and common expressions, Improve my pronunciation and accent which will help me to be more confident when I'm speaking, learn modern strategies and methods of teaching language for non-native students , expand my knowledge experiences in order to be more effective, cultured and well-acquainted with new methods and skills of teaching. And I also may have the chance to visit the library and become familiar with the literature and resources available related to my academic interests and current trends of teaching.
There are certain points and goals that I seek to improve. So I'm going to put a strict plan so that I could effectively take advantage of this program to overcome my defects and gain new experiences that would help in my field.

Regarding the students: I have noticed that most of the students of foreign language think that learning a language is a very difficult and complex process. My goal is to make the best use of the program to learn new methods and tools to change these common misconceptions about Language learning and do my best to apply it. One of the most common and serious obstacles that language learners face as non-native students is speaking. I believe that by developing myself and my language skills, I will be able to help students overcome this problem, learn the language effectively, get them more engaged and make the learning process as enjoyable as possible. By having an adequate experience I can be a good model to be followed and inspire students that they can do better and be a better version of themselves.

For my department, I will be able to share and exchange the information and experiences that I'm going to learn with my colleagues and supervisors, Consult with them about the modern methods of teaching and learning that we can apply. I will gain more confidence and experience to organize or participate in workshops to help students avoid language learning common mistakes, and learn effectively. I may have the chance to participate in the course's development.
All of this will have a great impact on my role in the development of my department, faculty, and university.

Regarding administrators: I expect that the Junior Faculty Development Program would help to know more about balancing the needs and desires of teachers, students, and the faculty board. In order to maintain good relationships and work better with administrators in the interest of the students and faculty.

Which elements of faculty development and/or academic capacity building do you hope to concentrate on during your grant? (e.g. curriculum development, assessment, educational leadership, educational administration, academic governance, use of technology in the classroom, new methods/research tools in your field, etc.) Explain why.
I'm eager to develop myself and learn more about the modern and updated methods and research tools of teaching and learning, gain knowledge regarding behavior management, and strategies for teaching diverse students to help achieve an active learning process in our faculty, gain more experience about establishing a persona in the classroom, fostering relationships with students, and balancing teaching load with academic writing and research, be well acquainted with modern technologies which are used during the process of learning abroad, and how we can apply it in our university according to our budget and capacities. I have encountered a number of issues with the process of teaching English as a second/foreign language. Since I teach ESL courses to students of different specializations (i.e. medicine, nursing, agriculture, Physical Education, and Egyptology), I have been teaching students of different levels, needs, and motivations. Therefore, I have to manipulate my teaching methods in order to meet the requirements of such teaching situations. So I seek to be knowledgeable about modern and emerging curriculum and learn how to customize curricula that satisfy the needs and aspirations of the
students in my home country.

Being a Junior staff, I need to learn how to establish an objective and productive assessment of the students, to ensure the effectiveness of the learning process and encourage active learning.

· How do you plan to implement what you learn through participation in the program upon your return home?
As a staff member, volunteer and a founder of nonprofit association for women and children, I have a dream to establish a non- profit English club in my city. To enable/give the opportunity for English learners or whoever wants to practice the language, but can't afford private courses to learn and practice English freely and effectively. I intend to use the experiences and methods that I'm going to learn to train other volunteers or colleagues who want to participate and constitute a professional team to make this dream come true. I can volunteer in our study abroad office, make a quick study abroad presentation. I could Invite other returnees to a meet-and-greet or other social event and consult with them about how we can effectively use our experiences to develop the learning process in the university and society, connect with the staff in my faculty to host an Information Sessions: to promote study abroad, Pick a theme for a group presentation, such as “Non-Traditional Study Abroad Locations” or “Service Learning Abroad”, participate in conferences, seminars, or presentations related to my study abroad program. I can Write an article for the local newspaper or a college paper on how my experience abroad helped me gain global understanding about a particular global issue.

· Explain the specializations or research interests within your broader academic field that you would like to explore through collaboration with U.S. faculty during your grant.
I am concerned with translation and Linguistics, especially sociolinguistics. I am interested in investigating how particular profession, environment, and society affect the language and vice versa. I believe this program will allow me to make a useful comparison and listen to different views. My MA research is on investigating the language of humor, examining jokes across to widely different languages and cultures, such as Arabic and English and how can translator manage to translate and convey the cultural and linguistic aspects of societies through translating humor jokes and riddles between Arabic and English. It will be a great opportunity for me to consult with native English professors about the translatability of humor and get the Arabic translated jokes evaluated by native speakers to get more effective and reliable conclusions and results that support the research.

· What do you aspire to learn about American society and culture? Similarly, which aspects of your own culture, history, and background do you wish to share with American faculty and others in the community where you will be living?
To study a language means that you are going to study its related culture, society, literature and everything about it. It allows you to discover a completely new and different world. I like and respect cultural differences and diversities, and Since I was young, I was fond of the American drama. That made me more interested in the American culture, lifestyle and even the accent. I wish to be closely engaged in the American atmosphere to know more about the language, civilization, and cultures and social diversity. I have the flexibility to fit in anywhere. I adapt I feel I'm going to have a great adventure and experience. I'm an upper Egyptian with a special, and distinctive background and culture. I wish to exchange and share my experience with others; I can tell them about our great and distinctive history, customs and food and learn more about theirs.

Though I have tried to express my aspirations and goals that I seek to achieve through attending the Fulbright Junior Faculty Development Program, I do believe that there are still, even more, to be offered and expected from the program. That is what I would be glad to discover if I am chosen to join the program.
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Re: study plan

What is the question? That is too long a paragraph to read.
Are you sure you have been teaching English at university level?
[Strike]plz[/Strike] Please correct my study plan.

To study a language means that you are going to study its related culture, society, literature and everything about it. It gives you the chance to [Strike]be open /to know[/Strike] experience a completely new world. [Strike]& since I've[/Strike] I have been studying English since I was four. At the beginning, it [Strike]wasn't[/Strike] was not fun at all,[Strike]I used to hate it till I become[/Strike] but at around 13, I started to watch American drama, and that made me more interested in the language. [Strike]& my mom was a great English teacher who helped me to improve my knowledge of the language n explained till I become fond of it & English become my favorite subject at high and school; then[/Strike] After finishing high school, I decided to study English in college, and I enrolled in ABCD University, at [Strike]I went to[/Strike] the faculty of Arts, in the Bachelor of Translation program. I fell in love with the art of translation and with linguistics, especially sociolinguistics. [Strike]that made me more &more interested in The English language and culture &[/Strike] I was soon ranked first in my class. Then I started to work as a demonstrator at the Faculty of Languages, in the English department.[Strike]I haven't realized that early it takes my time[/Strike]

· Explain how participation in the program will benefit not only you, but also others (students, department, and administrators) at your university.
[Strike]I've[/Strike] I have been studying English for almost 20 years and teaching it officially in university for 3 years. Even before that, I was teaching English [Strike]for[/Strike] to primary, preparatory and high [Strike]school's[/Strike] school students [Strike]as a help[/Strike] gratis in my free time. [Strike]although I've spent almost all my time learning English and now teaching it;[/Strike] Nevertheless, I still feel [Strike]like I'm in the beginning and[/Strike] that I need to learn many [Strike]many[/Strike] more things. I believe that my participation in this program will help me to enhance my knowledge, skills, and effectiveness as a teacher, researcher, or administrator in the teaching profession. Education, in all of its traditional and modern forms, maintains a rich and complex spirit. In a continually changing landscape, we [Strike]all the time[/Strike] always need to adapt, improve, and overcome challenges, all in an effort to encourage and inspire future generations. [Strike]it[/Strike] Moreover, participating in the program will give me a great chance to speak to native speakers, and to know more about their daily life habits and natural expressions in English since [Strike]I'm concerned with[/Strike] I am interested in studying and teaching not only the English language but also the culture and civilization associated with it. [Strike]It is this blend—the art of teaching coupled with the science of learning—that we seek to encourage, foster, and celebrate to be a good teacher it takes a lot of time, efforts, trials, experiences so I need to expand my knowledge and experiments and[/Strike] This will make me a more effective, cultured, and open-minded teacher, well acquainted with new methods and the latest skills [Strike]of[/Strike] in teaching, and it will [Strike]this[/Strike] allow me to participate effectively in the development of my department and my university.
• I [Strike]may have the chance to visit[/Strike] I also look forward to spending time at the library in your department and becoming familiar with the literature and resources available related to my academic interests.

· Which elements of faculty development and/or academic capacity building do you hope to concentrate on during your grant? (e.g. curriculum development, assessment, educational leadership, educational administration, academic governance, use of technology in the classroom, new methods/research tools in your field, etc.) Explain why.
[Strike]I'm[/Strike] I am eager to learn more about the latest [Strike]new[/Strike] and best methods and research tools of teaching and learning a language, [Strike]many[/Strike] resources regarding behavior management, and strategies for teaching [Strike]diverse[/Strike] students from diverse backgrounds. [Strike],, to help in the development of teaching process in our faculty.[/Strike] I also would like to know more about modern and emerging curricula [Strike]curriculum[/Strike] and apply these [Strike]knowledge for[/Strike] in the best interest of the students. Further, I am keen to gain more experience about establishing a persona in the classroom, [Strike]to[/Strike] and fostering relationships with students, [Strike]to[/Strike] balancing teaching load with academic writing and research,[Strike]to[/Strike][Strike] keep up with/ know more about modern technologies used during the process of learning abroad,[/Strike] and how we can apply [Strike]it[/Strike] state-of-the-art educational technologies in our university according to our budget and capacities. As a junior member of staff, it will be of a great [Strike]help/ very helpful[/Strike] benefit for me to learn how to set [Strike]/ establish[/Strike] an objective, [Strike]justice and useful[/Strike] and ensure fair assessment of the students.

· How do you plan to implement what you learn through participation in the program upon your return home?
[Strike]There are certain points and goals that, I seek to improve. So I'm going to put a plane for how I could effectively take advantage of this program by overcoming my defects and gaining new experiences that would help in my field . in order[/Strike] I will endeavour to help new generations change their attitudes to learning, [Strike]for the best extent[/Strike] sothat they [Strike]won't[/Strike] will learn not just for the sake of gaining a formal qualification, [Strike]to have a certificate[/Strike] but to be able to [Strike]befit[/Strike] benefit in a tangible way from what they [Strike]have been learning[/Strike] learn and improve their life and future
By being a good role model,[Strike]to follow and be able[/Strike] I hope to inspire [Strike]them that they could[/Strike] students to do better and be a better version of themselves. [Strike]their selves.[/Strike]
[Strike]To do my best to learn, improve and benefit from this program as much as I can to help myself, university and society.[/Strike]
Most [Strike]of the students of[/Strike] foreign language students [Strike]think of[/Strike] consider learning a new language [Strike]as[/Strike] a very difficult and complex process. Thus, I am [Strike]I'm[/Strike] planning to make the best use of this program to learn new methods and tools to change this [Strike]image[/Strike] perception and to try to make the process of learning language more fun and practical.
[Strike]I'm planning[/Strike] I plan to use the skills [Strike]I'm[/Strike]I am going to learn during the program to closely examine my shift in understanding — to describe the incidents or events objectively; interpret [Strike]it[/Strike] them in context; and evaluate my experience.
Become a volunteer in our study abroad office.
make a quick study abroad presentation.
Invite other returnees to a meet-and-greet or other social event.
Connect with the staff in my faculty to support ongoing research, professional experiences. Host an Information Session: to promote study abroad. Pick a theme for a group presentation, such as “Non-Traditional Study Abroad Locations” or “Service Learning Abroad.”
[This doesn't make much sense. Consider leaving it out]
• Present and attend conferences, seminars, or presentations related to my study abroad program. •
I can Write an article for the local newspaper or a college paper on how my experience abroad helped me gain global understanding about a particular global issue.
[That doesn't make much sense either]
· Explain the specializations or research interests within your broader academic field that you would like to explore through collaboration with U.S. faculty during your grant.
I 'v a great interest in translation and Linguistics, especially sociolinguistics how related professions, environment and society affect the language and vice versa. I believe this program will give me a great chance to make a useful comparison. [That's not very meaningful. It's repetitive at best]
[Strike]I'm an MA student conducting[/Strike]I am currently doing a master's degree and my research is about investigating the language of humor and translating jokes between English and Arabic, and exploring the difficulties and strategies that entails. I believe [Strike]this chance[/Strike] your program will be of a great help for my research [Strike]that[/Strike] and will allow me to consult native English professors about the translatability of humor and maybe to get the translated jokes evaluated by native speakers to get more effective and reliable feedback.
· What do you aspire to learn about American society and culture? Similarly, which aspects of your own culture, history, and background do you wish to share with American faculty and others in the community where you will be living?
I have the flexibility to fit in anywhere. I adapt easily. I feel horizontally rooted. I respect cultural differences. I have tolerance for ambiguity. I feel challenged but always empowered by new experiences I enjoy a personal connection to the larger world. I feel [Strike]like[/Strike] I am a global citizen. I take risks and embrace the unknown. I am curious and eager to learn.
Re: study plan

I only managed to read the first three lines of that huge block of text and found several errors in punctuation and spacing. I couldn't face going any further because it is so hard to read something so long without any paragraph breaks.

I have moved your post to the Editing and Writing Topics section. Please use the Edit Post function to add some paragraph breaks in logical places and see if you can fix some of the punctuation and spacing errors, then click Save.
Re: study plan

I have merged the two threads. I'm baffled by the fact that the one posted on December 2nd was laid out far better than the one posted a day later!

sarah ahmed22, please be patient. You are a new user so your posts go into moderation and have to be cleared by a moderator before they are publicly visible. Don't write duplicate posts.
Re: study plan

I'm very sorry, I didn't revise it before I posted
Thanks a lot
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