[Essay] University Education

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Jan 4, 2015
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I am getting prepared for the IELTS test and, as you know, writing is an integral part of it. I would be grateful to you if you could read my essay and give me a piece of advice on what I ought to learn about writing them.

Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society.

In recent years people opt to study at university so as to broaden their knowledge of a particular subject. However, it is argued that the main target of education received at such establishments is to provide us with the possibility of getting a well-paid job.

To begin with, vast arrays of people do tend to enter university in order to acquire good future career prospects. Furthermore, most of them are supposed to pay for studying, that's why such students deem universities to be a stable way of getting opportunities to have the occupations of their dreams.

Yet, people do not always understand what studying at university means. Apart from learning a large amount of information from different sources, they are compelled to develop some vital social skills such as the ability to speak in front of an audience and to have good relationships with other students. Albeit many people are aware of bad consequences concerning studying at university which result in the inhibition of a student's progress, they are sure that we need such traits of character in order to have less problems applying for a job.

In conclusion, not only do we obtain knowledge, but we also get exposure to all the basic qualities we need in today's world. University education, no doubt, has many benefits rather than bad aspects.
Essays are highly structured formal texts, and that is what the teacher/examiner expects from you. Structure is
very important! Always plan out your essays before you start writing them.

In the introduction, you need:
- A general statement: This introduces the topic/issue to the reader.
- Background: 1 or 2 sentences to explain more about the issue.
- Your thesis/purpose statement: Explains your position regarding the essay question.

Then you need some body paragraphs, in which you persuade the reader to agree with your position. Each
paragraph should deal with only one point/idea!
In each body paragraph you need:
- Topic sentence: This introduces the point you want to explain in the paragraph. It must relate to the essay topic too.
- Supporting sentences: These elaborate on and explain the point.
- Example sentences: These give specific examples to prove the point.

Finally, there's the conclusion.
- First sentence: This restates your position, and typically starts with "In conclusion,"
- One or two sentences summarizing the findings of your body paragraphs.
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