Makes or Make?

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Krabby Krabs

Nov 14, 2009
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God never make a list; or
God never makes a list

I think it is the first one, but I'm not too sure.

Which is correct? Or are either correct depending on context? (Does this line sound correct?)
What are the grammatical rules behind the answer? (What about this?)
  • God never make a list.
  • God never makes a list. :tick:

The second one is correct. The subject must agree in number with its verb. For example:

I make
you make
he, she, it makes (e.g., God makes)
they make
I see! Thank you!

I need to brush up on my fundamentals...
I see! Thank you!

I need to brush up on my fundamentals...
If you add punctuation, never make works just fine:

  • God! Never make a list.
  • God, never make a list.
If you add punctuation, never make works just fine:

  • God! Never make a list.
  • God, never make a list.


Is it because there is no subject?
Because it is a prompt.
However, I only agree partly with Soup.
There has to be a ! in my opinion.

God never makes a list. - normal sentence
God, never make a list! - prompt


Is it because there is no subject?
Yes, and no. There is a subject, but it is implied:

  • God! Never make a list. <imperative>
  • God, (you should) never make a list.
That's what turned me off Christianity as a youth. Prayer is full of imperatives. God, do this, God, give me that. If He ever existed, it's enough to make Him abdicate!

Santa makes lists though.
Thanks everyone.

I got the line from Rachel in an episode of FRIENDS. She told Ross: "God never make a list." It didn't sound right to me, but I just couldn't pinpoint what exactly was wrong. Or maybe it was just me.
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