1- I wish I …………. suggest something more suitable but this is all we have.

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Aug 24, 2014
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Would you please help me with the correct answers?

1- I wish I …………. suggest something more suitable but this is all we have.
a. should b. can c. could d. would

2- His telegram said, ‘I …………….. on the 7[SUP]th[/SUP].
a . will be arrive b. will be arrived c. 'm arriving d. would arrive

3- ……. a good thing they didn’t catch you.
a.that's b. it’s c. what’s d. there’s

4- He stayed under water for two minutes and then swam to the …………… .
a. sea b. level c. surface d. ground

5- She was sitting ………….. on the park.
a. by herself b. for herself c. only herself d. on her own
mshahsavar, your profile says you are an English teacher. Shouldn't you already know the answers?
As I want to determine the learners proficiency level using these tests, I need to be sure about the answers.
As I want to determine the learners' proficiency level using these tests, I need to be sure about the answers.

Note my addition of an apostrophe above in red.

Your answers are all correct.
In my opinion, the answer to 3- should be B.
I think the answer to 5- can be d, am I wrong?
They are both right.

It's a BE/AE difference.
It's right with "in the park".
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