“They are outside, not far from the gates”


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Feb 19, 2016
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A day after Netanyahu said Israel was bringing its “full force” with the aim of ending Hamas’ 16-year rule in Gaza, residents reported heavy airstrikes and shelling, including around Shifa Hospital. Israel, without providing evidence, has accused Hamas of concealing a command post inside and under the compound, allegations denied by Hamas and hospital staff.
“They are outside, not far from the gates,” said Ahmed al-Boursh, a resident sheltering there.
The hospital’s last generator ran out of fuel Saturday, leading to the deaths of three premature babies and four other patients, according to the Health Ministry. It said another 36 babies are at risk of dying.

Source: AP

What does "they" refer to in “They are outside, not far from the gates”? Airstrikes and shelling? Or something else?
I take it to refer to a Hamas command post ("they" refers to the people at that post). Israel says it's inside and under the compound but a resident sheltering there says it's outside.
I think it refers to the IDF.

The lack of context makes it quite unclear. I'm working only on what I know of the situation, not on the text itself.
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I think it refers to the IDF.

The lack of context makes it quite unclear. I'm working only on what I know of the situation, not on the text itself.

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) ?
Yes. The people who are attacking the hospital.

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