9 IELTS Informal Letter Model Answers

9 IELTS Informal Letter Model Answers

Different ways of writing impressive answers to IELTS General Writing Task 1 informal letter tasks, including the most common situations and functions.

9 IELTS Informal Letter Model Answers

This article gives nine different good answers to IELTS General Writing tasks in which an informal letter is suitable, usually situations in which you are told to write to a friend. The letters have been written to give good options for starting and ending such informal letters, and to provide a model for how casual language such as idioms can be used to show your range of language and so get a high score. Note that these are all very high-level letters, so most candidates will be able to get the score they need with much simpler language than that below, including more standard medium-formality phrases. There are over 500 pages of photocopiable IELTS General and IELTS Academic Writing materials here:


Model IELTS informal giving advice/ sharing information letter 1

Dear Juan,

It was so nice to get your letter, and to hear that you are going to study in Bradford too. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time!

About living quarters there, I found there are quite a few options. In my years there, I lived in student halls, a shared house, and then a studio flat. There were all quite old and needed maintenance from time to time, but there were no major problems.

The best way to search for somewhere to live is through the university accommodation office. They have a list of places which are happy to accept students, and can give you some more tips.

Although most options you’ll be offered are okay, be sure not to choose a B&B. This is because they have no proper shared spaces, and so you’ll be stuck in your tiny room.

Hope that helps. If you need more info, drop me a line anytime.



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Model IELTS informal giving advice/ sharing information letter 2

Dear Umberto,

Long time no see! How have you been?

I’m sure you’ll have a great time camping! I know that you hate the noises of the city, so a place with no electronics and cars far from everything should be perfect for you. I can also really see you getting into cooking on a camping stove, especially if you use some local ingredients.

There can be problems with insects and some people don’t like the cold showers on the campsites. However, you can avoid those issues with some lemongrass spray and by having your shower in the afternoon when the sun has warmed up the water tank. Similarly, having hard ground is easily solved with a good-quality airbed.

I’m more of a city boy and prefer the noise and excitement of a dirty metropolis, so it wouldn’t be my first choice of a break. For you, however, it should be ideal!

Have a great break!



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Model IELTS informal giving advice/ sharing information letter 3

Dear Katy,

It was so lovely to hear from you again. It’s such a coincidence that you are planning to study to be a car mechanic at Gleeham College too!

When I was there, we studied about one third each about how a car works, physical changes to make to car such as changing wheels, and electronic changes such as reprogramming the fuel injection system. There was a lot more use of tech than I expected!

Gleeham is a great choice due to being the first uni to teach mechanics to degree level. Being in a beautiful historic town also doesn’t hurt!

You can apply with a standard UCAS application form. In your essay, don’t forget to include a mix of stuff related to cars such as when you’ve fixed own and some outside interests like team sports you’ve done.

Hope that helps. Give me a ring anytime if I’ve missed anything out.



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Model IELTS informal giving advice/ sharing information letter 4

Dear Maria,

I was so thrilled to get your letter, and to hear that you’re planning to work here. I’m sure you’ll have a great time!

It’s such a coincidence that you asked about a job, ’cos a mate of mine had just told me about a position going in a place just down the road. It’s working in an old folks’ home, mostly cleaning but also lending a hand with other simple things like teatime.

I reckon it would be right up your street to have something like this which is easy peasy, with it being your first job. What’s more, having lived with your grandparents should be some kind of prep for it.

If you can knock up a quick CV and send it to me, I’ll pass it on to my pal. Make sure you put your contact details in, so they can get back to you about an interview.

Hope that helps.



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Model IELTS informal giving advice/ sharing information letter 5

Dear Harry,

Was so thrilled to get your letter. Congrats on your impending graduation!

About what you asked about your future, for you it’s got to be a job, hasn’t it? You’ve never been that into studying, and in college there’s no one to check up on you and force you to learn.

In contrast, a job would be a perfect match for you, I reckon. You’d get a chance to meet lots of new people and experience a different kind of life, and have a reason to get up every day because you’d be paid for it! 

To get those different experiences and meet interesting folk, have you thought about working in the parks department? It’s also a nice mix of the mental and physical, and I know you’re fond of being out in the open air.

Hope that helps. Can’t wait to hear what you finally decide to do!

Lots of love,


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Model IELTS informal social letter/ personal update letter/ catching up letter

Dear Benny,

Long time no see! How have you been? Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long, have been so busy trying to fix my year on your side of the pond.

I finally went for an academic year studying photography in Baysfield College. Before that, I’ll need to polish up my English at a nearby conversation school so that I can get a good enough IELTS score.

To work on my conversation skills, I reckon it would also be worth getting some kind of job where I have to interact with other staff and customers in English. I remember you told me your town is a bit pricey, so the extra cash will also be very handy!

Could you do me a huge favour and post me the job pages of your local paper for the next couple of months? If you could also give me a hand with editing my CV, that would be a great help as well.




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Model IELTS informal request letter to your boss 1

Dear John,

Hope your week is going okay.

I’m writing to ask for some days off. I need some time to study for my CPA exam. This is because unfortunately I haven’t found enough time to do so while I’m working, due to our busyness during the final stages of the last project. .

If possible, I would like to take one week of vacation to study. However, three days might be enough if five days is too long.

I’ll still be able to answer emails in the evening after I finish my studies for the day. Steve and Jane have agreed to attend for me and then send me the minutes. As for phone calls, the phone system can easily be set so that calls to my number goes to whoever is in the office at that time.

I hope that all sounds okay. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,


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Model IELTS informal request letter to your boss 2

Dear John,

Hope you had a good weekend.

I’m writing about the possibility of working in our HQ in Malaysia for around half a year. This is because I heard that there’ll be special training for civil engineers there at that time which I couldn’t get any other way. Doing this course would help me do my job much better when I came back.

Though it’s not ideal to lose me from the office for so long, I could cover at least half of my work via online meetings etc. Having me in the HQ would also mean staff wouldn’t need to make the usual loads of trips there, leaving them some extra time to cover the extra work.

If you think that it’d be OK to have that half-year placement, could you do me a huge favour and write to your boss in KL about it? The deadline is a couple of weeks away.


All the best,


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Model IELTS informal advice letter to your boss/ feedback letter to your boss

Dear Keira,

Thanks again for taking us all out for a pint, it really helped everyone unwind. As we chatted about then, I’m sending a couple of ideas for improving reception.

What people moan about most is that the air conditioning is rubbish and so they are waiting in the full heat of summer for much of the year. Some people are also unhappy about the smell of the carpet.

Though no one spends that long in reception, it’s crucial for it to be a nice experience for people coming to visit us for the first time. As they say, first impressions last!

To make it nicer, chucking the carpet to show the stone floor underneath would get rid of the stink, and help cool the place down a bit too. Also, how about some fans until the cooling can be totally sorted out?

Hope that helps. Just let me know if you want some more ideas.



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