Countable & Uncountable Nouns- Guessing Game


Countable and uncountable presentation through guessing the place game

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: General
Study Area: Nouns
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Lesson Plan Content:

Countable uncountable 20 questions guessing game

Choose one of the places below and answer your partner’s Yes/ No questions until they guess which one you are thinking of:

Amusement park                                                   Antarctic

Aquarium                                                         Arctic

Argentina                                                        Bathroom

Boat                                                             Bowling alley

Bus                                                              Car park

Cinema                                                           Classroom

Desert                                                           Dining room

Fire station                                                     Football pitch

Greece                                                           Hotel

IMAX cinema                                                      Ice rink

Inside the Sun                                                   Inside your bag

Kitchen                                                          Library

Living room                                                      Mars

Maze                                                             Museum

Nappy changing room                                              Office building

Playground/ Park                                                 Police station

Portugal                                                         Pub/ Bar

Rain forest                                                      Restaurant

Rocket                                                           Skateboard park

Sky                                                              Space

Stationery shop                                                  Swimming pool

The moon                                                         Toilet

UK                                                               Under the sea

Water park                                                       Youth club

Suggested questions

“Is there any wind/ grass/ air/ poo/ water/ screaming/ noise/ money/ food/ juice/ popcorn/ snow/ rubbish/ sand?”

“Are there any scared people/ armchairs/ bored people/ hungry people/ bad smells/ uniforms/ balls/ buffaloes/ lizards/ seals/ whales/ sloths/ drunk people/ dizzy people/ confused people/ rubber bands/ bins?”

Write down one more place here and see if your partner can guess it by asking Y/N questions like those above.


Grammar presentation

From memory or your grammar knowledge, match the nouns below to these two questions, adding “-s” or making other changes when necessary:

“Is there any _____________?”

“Are there any _____________________?”

  • air
  • armchair
  • bad smell
  • ball
  • bin
  • bored person
  • buffalo
  • confused person
  • dizzy person
  • drunk person
  • food
  • grass
  • hungry person
  • juice
  • lizard
  • money
  • noise
  • poo
  • popcorn
  • rubber band
  • rubbish
  • sand
  • scared person
  • screaming
  • seal
  • sloth
  • snow
  • uniform
  • water
  • whale
  • wind

Check your answers on the last page

Why do those nouns go in those categories?

Are there any which you think could actually be both?

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