Business English- Formal and Informal Human Resource Vocabulary


Official and everyday HR words and phrases

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Formal and informal HR vocabulary

Work with your partner to say the following things in more professional/ formal/ technically correct/ polite/ euphemistic ways:

  1. Sack/ Fire
  2. Lay off
  3. Quit
  4. Skipping work/ Bunking off work
  5. Job for life
  6. Christmas bonus
  7. Salary before tax and National Insurance
  8. Time off for a funeral
  9. Time off to have a baby
  10. Direct boss
  11. Subordinate
  12. Salary per year
  13. Perks
  14. Trial period
  15. Unemployed

Compare your answers with those below. 

--------------------------------------------cover or fold---------------------------------------------

  1. Dismiss
  2. Downsize/ Restructure
  3. Leave/ Resign/ Hand in your notice
  4. Missing work/ Absenteeism
  5. Permanent job
  6. Annual bonus/ Winter bonus
  7. Gross salary
  8. Compassionate leave
  9. Maternity leave
  10. Line manager
  11. Member of my…
  12. Annual salary/ Salary per annum/… PA
  13. Benefits
  14. Probationary period
  15. Out of work/ Between jobs/ Seeking employment

Without looking at the top section, test each other the other way round (formal to informal).

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