Adjective or Adverb? ESL Worksheet

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ESL Worksheet: Adjective or Adverb?

Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - He works hard.
'Hard' is an adjective.
'Hard' is an adverb.
Q2 - She's a fast learner.
'Fast' is an adjective.
'Fast' is an adverb.
Q3 - Go straight down this road till you come to a crossing.
'Straight' is an adjective.
'Straight' is an adverb.
Q4 - That's pretty.
'Pretty' is an adjective.
'Pretty' is an adverb.
Q5 - It was pretty expensive.
'Pretty' is an adjective.
'Pretty' is an adverb.
Q6 - It's a straight road.
'Straight' is an adjective.
'Straight' is an adverb.
Q7 - She's a hard worker.
'Hard' is an adjective.
'Hard' is an adverb.
Q8 - Hold tight.
'Tight' is an adjective.
'Tight' is an adverb.
Q9 - I'm not well.
'Well' is an adjective.
'Well' is an adverb.
Q10 - She did well.
'Well' is an adjective.
'Well' is an adverb.
Q11 - My shoes are tight.
'Tight' is an adjective.
'Tight' is an adverb.
Q12 - Please don't drive so fast.
'Fast' is an adjective.
'Fast' is an adverb.

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