The big list of ending the lesson language

The big list of ending the lesson language

Useful phrases to end ESL classes

Time to stop

  • It's (almost) time to stop
  • (I'm afraid/ Sorry but) it's time to finish (now)
  • We'll have to stop there
  • There's the bell/ That's the bell. It's time to stop
  • We've run out of time
  • The next class is waiting (outside/ to come in)
  • You'll be late for your next class (if you don't stop now)
  • We'll have to finish this tomorrow/ in the next lesson
  • Look at the time/ What time is it now?
  • 30 seconds to finish that activity. It's nearly time to go
  • That's all (we have time) for today


Not time to stop.

  • The bell hasn't gone yet.
  • There are still two minutes to go.
  • We still have a couple of minutes left.
  • The lesson doesn't finish till five past.
  • Your watch(es) must be fast.
  • We seem to have finished early.
  • We have an extra five minutes.
  • We still have time to/for.../ We have five minutes left to/for...
  • Sit quietly until the bell goes. / I don't remember hearing a bell
  • Why are you packing your bags already?/ Did anyone tell you to pack your bags?
  • One more thing before you go
  • Wait a minute/ Hang on a moment/ Just hold on a moment/ Stay where you are for a moment/ Just a moment, please. / Just a sec/ Just a second/ Wait for it!
  • (Go) back to your places/ Where are you going?/ Where do you think you are going?/ Don't you think you are jumping the gun?
  • Juan, you have to stay five extra minutes (as I told you earlier/ because you...)


Clearing up

  • Put your books and pencils away/ in your bag
  • Put your things in your bags
  • Close your books (and put them in your bags)
  • Pack your things away
  • You may pack away now
  • Tidy up (the classroom/ your desks) please
  • Put any rubbish in the bin
  • The first team to tidy up gets an extra point/ can leave first
  • That's the tidy up song, so what do you have to do?



  • This is your homework for tonight
  • Copy tonight's homework from the board
  • Circle these exercises in your workbooks and do them tonight
  • (Let's check that you remember). What's the homework?
  • Do exercise 10 on page 23 for (your) homework
  • Finish this exercise/ Do the next exercise tonight, and we'll check it tomorrow
  • Check your answers at the back of the book and ask me tomorrow if you have any questions
  • Learn this list of words (for homework/ by tomorrow/ tonight)
  • There is no homework tonight (but there will be tomorrow)
  • Don't forget your homework (this time)
  • Take a worksheet as you leave.
  • What do you have to do before the next lesson?


Next time

  • We'll do the rest of this chapter next time.
  • We'll finish this exercise next lesson.
  • We've run out of time, so we'll continue next lesson.
  • We'll continue this chapter next Monday.
  • The next class starts at 5 o'clock
  • Please sit in the same teams in the next class/ We're going to continue with this tomorrow, so please sit together again
  • We'll do some more practice of this in the next class (because you found it a bit difficult)
  • Tomorrow's/ Next week's/ Thursday's lesson will be (about)...
  • Tomorrow/ Next week/ Thursday is a holiday, so I'll see you (all) on...
  • Is there a class tomorrow/ next week/ on Thursday?
  • We'll take fifteen minutes' break (so that means you have to be back at 11:23)
  • We're taking our break a bit late, so be back here by...


Saying goodbye

  • Goodbye, everyone.
  • See you (again next Wednesday/ tomorrow/ later/ after the holiday/ after the break)
  • See you in room 7 after the break.
  • Have a good holiday.
  • Enjoy your vacation.
  • See you next week/ tomorrow/ on Wednesday/ next term/ after the holiday/ later/ this afternoon
  • Stand up and say goodbye to the class, please
  • Let's sing the goodbye song (and wave goodbye)


Leaving the room

  • Whichever team is sitting nicely (and quietly, with your legs under the table) can go home first
  • Get into a queue/ line up next to the door. (No running and no pushing/ Any running or pushing means you have to go to the back of the line/ If you run or push, you will have sit back down)
  • Form a queue and wait for the bell.
  • Try not to make any noise as you leave/ No shouting/ No speaking in the corridor
  • Be quiet as you leave. Other classes are still working.
  • The winning team/ This table/ Girls can leave first


Copyright © 2010

Written by Alex Case for

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